Special Events at the SMiP group

In addition to the regular qualification program, the SMiP group organizes special events that are listed on this page.

Coping with the ongoing pandemia, we initiated several special offers within the SMiP group, i.e. Digital PI Consultation Hours (on demand) and informal SMiP gatherings after work. A special project in spring 2021 was the February of Failures initiative. Additionally, the SMiP equal opportunities committee invited Stefan Diestel (University of Wuppertal) to give a short workshop on self-regulation. In fall 2021, we started a new project, i.e. a talk series on career options after the doctorate. Another offer is the voluntary PhD colloquium, organized by SMiP PhD candidates. In fall 2022, we continued the successfull event series “Career Options after the Doctorate”.

In April 2022, the Research Training Group SMiP started in its second funding phase. Accordingly, some new elements were established for the upcoming years:

  • Small Group Meetings with external experts,
  • Regular Consultation Hours with our Mercator Fellow,
  • SMiP Summer Schools

Moreover, we regularly invite guests to give research talks.

Research Talks
  • Ullrich Ecker (University of Western Australia): “The Psychology of Misinformation” – 21 May 2024, 01:45 p.m. – 03:15 p.m., Mannheim, Palace, eastwing, room O 142 (Engelhorn Hörsaal)
Digital Consultation Hours with Lesa Hoffman

The SMiP group's Mercator Fellow Lesa Hoffman offers digital office hours, specifically dedicated to SMiP PhD Candidates. During the first half year of 2024 (i.e. from 10 January to 09 May von 15:15 bis 16:45), Lesa will be available every Wednesday from 3:15 – 4:45 p.m. The invitation link was sent in the January newsletter.

Small Group Meetings

From 2023 on, the SMiP group will organize so-called Small Group Meetings about once per semester. These meetings will concentrate on specific topics and bring together SMiP members working in the respective field and feature one external expert as guest.