Credit: Tsvetina Tsonkova
Research areas
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Memory
- Statistical Modeling
Teaching (SMiP)
- Training „Rules of Good Scientific Practice: Principles, Mechanisms, and Tools“
Possible thesis topics
Ph.D. students are very welcome to devise their own thesis topic. However, some possible thesis topics are listed here:
- Separation of storage and retrieval in episodic memory (Advisors: Bröder, Erdfelder, Klauer).
- Exemplar-based and rule-based processes in judgment (Advisors: Bröder, Hilbig).
- Identification and separation of decision making processes (Advisors: Hilbig, Bröder, Erdfelder).
- Modeling of task choice behavior (Advisors: Kiesel, Bröder).
- Item versus source forgetting rates (Advisors: Kuhlmann, Bröder, Klauer, Voss).