Credit: Peter Scherer
Andrea Kiesel is the senior researchers' member in the SMiP equal opportunities commission.
Research Areas
- Executive Functions
- Multitasking
- Perception and Action
Teaching (SMIP)
- Training „Conference Presentations“
- Workshop „Substantive Research Topics in Freiburg“ (together with Karl Christoph Klauer) fall 2019
Possible thesis topics
Ph.D. students are very welcome to devise their own thesis topic. However, some possible thesis topics are listed here:
- Modeling of task choice behavior (Advisors: Kiesel, Bröder).
- Analysis of interpersonal, item-specific, and dynamic predictors of subliminal priming effects (Advisors: Kiesel, Klauer).
- Cognitive processes underlying affective counter-regulation (Advisors: Voss, Kiesel).