Florian Scholten

Florian Scholten (he/him)

Doctoral Candidate
Dpt. for Social Cognition and Decision Sciences
University of Tübingen
Schleichstr. 4 – Room 4.505
72076 Tübingen

Primary Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mandy Hütter (University of Tübingen)

Additional Supervisors:  Arndt Bröder, Christoph Klauer

  • Talks

    Scholten, F. (2024, March 17–20). The True Nature of the Congruence-Incongruence Effect and Varying Learning Trajectories in Multiple-Cue Probability Learning [Talk]. 66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen, TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.