Primary Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mandy Hütter (University of Tübingen)
Additional Supervisors: Arndt Bröder, Christoph Klauer
Dissertation Proposal: Leveraging Large Language Models for “Big Data” Social Psychology
Scholten, F., Schumacher, L., Kelber, P. & Bröder, A. (2024, September 16–19). Brunswik's fundamental principle: Modeling vicarious functioning with superstatistics [Talk]. 53rd Conference of the German Psychological Society (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Vienna, Austria.
Scholten, F. (2024, March 17–20). The True Nature of the Congruence-Incongruence Effect and Varying Learning Trajectories in Multiple-Cue Probability Learning [Talk]. 66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen, TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
Scholten, F., Fiedler, K., & Hutter, M. (2024, November 22–25). Metacognitive myopia: Missing coherence in a novel paradigm combining advice taking and implicit directed forgetting [Poster]. Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Conference 2024, New York City, USA.
Scholten, F., Schumacher, L., & Kleber, P. (2024, November 21–24). Brunswik's fundamental principle: Modeling vicarious functioning with superstatistics [Poster]. Psychonomic Society 65th Annual Meeting, New York City, USA.