Dr. Maren Mayer

Dr. Maren Mayer

SMiP Cohort 2019

E-mail: maren.mayermail-iwm-tuebingen.de

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6830-7768

  • Current Occupation

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    IWM Tübingen, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien

    External website

  • (Research) Interests

    • Decision Behavior
    • Statistical Modeling of Psychological Processes
  • PhD Project

    Thesis Topic: Expertise-Weighin of Judgments in Wisdom of Crowds: Investigating Independent Jugdments and Sequential Collaboration

    SMiP Dissertation Committee: Daniel Heck, Arndt Bröder, Benjamin Hilbig

    Degree: Dr. rer. soc., received from the University of Mannheim in September 2022