Primary Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eunike Wetzel (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)
Additional Supervisors: Beatrice Kuhlmann, Daniel Heck (external)
Dissertation Proposal: Unraveling the Impact of Ad Hoc and Modified Scales on Direct Replications and Predicting Replicability of Empirical Findings with Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
Bißantz, S., Frick, S., Melinscak, F., Iliescu, D., & Wetzel, E. (2024). The potential of machine learning methods in psychological assessment and test construction. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 40(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1027/1015- 5759/
a000817 Posters
Bißantz, S. (2023, September). Beyond Human Expertise: On the potential of machine learning techniques in predicting replication success. Poster presented at the 16. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Methoden und Evaluation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (FGME), Konstanz, Germany.