Credit: Max Ihmels
Research Areas
- Social Cognition
- Judgment and Decision Making
Teaching (SMIP)
- Workshop „The Role of Theorizing for strong Psychological Science“ (together with Klaus Fiedler)
- Workshop „Dual Process Theories“
Possible thesis topics
Ph.D. students are very welcome to devise their own thesis topic. However, some possible thesis topics are listed here:
- Conditions for controllable and uncontrollable learning in evaluative conditioning (Advisors: Hütter, Klauer).
- A life-span perspective on controllable and uncontrollable learning in evaluative conditioning (Advisors: Hütter, Klauer, Kuhlmann).
- Modeling information uptake in an advice seeking paradigm (Advisors: Hütter, Voss).
- Investigating the role of sufficiency and necessity in moral judgment (Advisors: Klauer, Hütter).
- Memory-task response biases as cognitive traits and states (Advisors: Kuhlmann, Hütter, Meiser).