Primary Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rolf Ulrich (University of Tübingen)
Additional Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrea Kiesel, Prof. Dr. Andreas Voss
Dissertation Proposal: The Representational Format of Stimulus Intensity
Johansson, R. C. G., Kelber, P. & Ulrich, R. (2024). Speeded classification of visual events is sensitive to crossmodal intensity correspondence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Johansson, R. C. G. & Ulrich, R. (2024). Serial processing of proximity groups and similarity groups. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Kekecs, Z., Elkins, G., Farahzadi, Y., Nyiri, B., Vizkievicz, V., Farkas, I., Simor, P., Lutoskin, A., Csikos, E., Rizzo, P., Johansson, R. C. G. & Olson, J. (2022). Test-retest teliability of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C and the Elkins Hypnotizability Scale. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 70, 96.
Kekecs, Z., Roberts, R. L., Na, H., Hwei Yek, M., Slonena, E.E., Racelis, E., Voor, T. A., Johansson, R. C. G., Rizzo, P., Csikos, E., Vizkievicz, V. & Elkins, G. (2021). Test-retest teliability of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C and the Elkins Hypnotizability Scale. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 69, 142–161.