Dr. Nikoletta Symeonidou

Dr. Nikoletta Symeonidou

SMiP Cohort 2018

E-mail: nsymeonimail-mail.uni-mannheim.de

Phone: +49 621 181 3390

I am a SMiP mentor. Please get in touch!

  • Current Occupation

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    University of Mannheim, Chair for Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Aging

    more Information

  • (Research) Interests

    • Research interests:
      • Memory (esp. source memory)
      • Emotions (esp. effects on memory)
      • Multinomial modeling
      • Cognitive aging
    • General interests:
      • Social challenges (climate change, discrimination, diversity)
      • (Mental) health
      • Scientific communication

    I am open for consultation and/or collaboration concerning my (research) interests. Please get in touch!

  • PhD Project

    Thesis Topic: Emotional Source Memory: (When) Are Emotional Sources Remembered Better?

    SMiP Dissertation Committee: Beatrice G. Kuhlmann, Mandy Hütter, Edgar Erdfelder

    Degree: Dr. rer. soc., received from the University of Mannheim in August 2022