Dr. Annika Stump

Dr. Annika Stump

SMiP Cohort 2019

E-mail: annika.stumpmail-psychologie.uni-freiburg.de

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9288-7216

I am a SMiP mentor. Please get in touch!

  • Current Occupation

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    University of Freiburg, Department of Psychology

    External website

  • (Research) Interests

    • Social Cognition
    • Affect and Cognition
    • Judgment and Decision Making
    • Experimental Methods
    • Cognitive Modeling

    I am open for consultation and/or collaboration. Please get in touch!

  • PhD Project

    Thesis Topic: Affective and Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Perception of Truth and Subjective Confidence

    SMiP Dissertation Committee: Andreas Voss, Mandy Hütter, Arndt Bröder

    Degree: Dr. phil., received from Heidelberg University in October 2023