Ömer Emre Can Alagöz, M.Sc.

Ömer Emre Can Alagöz, M.Sc.

Research Staff
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
L 13, 15 – Room 515
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment

Primary Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Meiser (University of Mannheim)

Additional Supervisors:  Prof. Dr. Tanja Lischetzke, Prof. Dr. Eunike Wetzel

Dissertation Proposal: Modeling Heterogeneity in Response Processes via Multi-Process IRT Models

  • Research Areas

    • Item response theory
    • Latent class analysis
    • Response styles
    • Personality
  • Publications

    Alagöz, Ö. E. C., & Meiser, T. (2023). Investigating Heterogeneity in Response Strategies: A Mixture Multidimensional IRTree Approach. Educational and Psychological Measurement0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00131644231206765 

    Alagöz, Ö. E. C., & Vermunt, J. K. (2022). Stepwise latent class analysis in the presence of missing values on the class indicators. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1–7.  doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2022.2030743

  • Talks

    Alagöz, Ö.E.C. & Meiser, T. (2024, September 16–19). Disentangling differences in cognitive response mechanisms via mixture IRTree models [Talk]. 53rd Conference of the German Psychological Society (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Vienna, Austria.

    Alagöz, Ö.E.C., & Vermunt, J.K. (2021). Effect of missing data on three-step latent class analysis. Talk given at the 7th International Congress on Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology (CMEEP-2021), online.

  • Posters

    Alagöz, Ö.E.C., De Roover, K., & Vogelsmeier, L.V.D.E. (2021). Making sense of measurement noninvariance via mixture multigroup factor analysis. Poster presented at the 15th Conference of the Section 'Methods and Evaluation' in the German Psychological Society (DGPs), online.