Peer-reviewed journal articles

  • 2025

    Kelber, P., Mittelstädt, V., & Ulrich, R. (2025). Interplay of aging and practice in conflict processing: A big-data diffusion-model analysis. Psychology and Aging, 40(1), 66–85.

    Meyer-Grant, C. G.*, & Jakob, M.* (2025). Ranking tasks in recognition memory: A direct test of the two-high-threshold contrast model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.

    * Shared first authorship

    Schreiner, M. R., Quevedo Pütter, J., & Rebholz, T. R. (2025). Time for an update: Belief updating based on ambiguous scientific evidence. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 233(1), 17–29.

    Seitz, T., Spengler, M., & Meiser, T. (2025). “What if applicants fake their responses?”: Modeling faking and response styles in high-stakes assessments using the multidimensional nominal response model. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Advance online publication.

  • 2024

    Bißantz, S., Frick, S., Melinscak, F., Iliescu, D., & Wetzel, E. (2024). The potential of machine learning methods in psychological assessment and test construction. European Journal of Psychological Assessment40(1), 1–4.

    Debelak, R., Meiser, T., & Gernand, A. (2024). Investigating heterogeneity in IRTree models for multiple response processes with score-based partitioning. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. Advance online publication.

    Elsemüller, L., Schnuerch, M., Bürkner, P.-C., & Radev, S. T. (2024). A deep learning method for comparing Bayesian hierarchical models. Psychological Methods. Advance online publication.

    Erdfelder, E., Nagel, J., Heck, D. W., & Petras, N. (2024). Uncovering null effects in null fields: The case of homeopathy. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 166, Article 111216.

    Erdfelder, E., Quevedo Pütter, J. & Schnuerch, M. (2024). On aggregation invariance of multinomial processing tree models. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 8677-8694.

    Henrich, F., Hartmann, R., Pratz, V., Voss, A., & Klauer, K. C. (2024). The seven-parameter diffusion model: An implementation in Stan for Bayesian Analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 3102-3116.

    Izydorczyk, D. & Bröder, A. (2024). What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Modeling numerical judgments of realistic stimuli. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(3), 1078-1092.

    Johansson, R. C. G.Kelber, P. & Ulrich, R. (2024). Speeded classification of visual events is sensitive to crossmodal intensity correspondence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(6), 554–569.

    Johansson, R. C. G. Ulrich, R. (2024). Serial processing of proximity groups and similarity groups. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 86(4), 1303-1317.

    Kelber, P., & Ulrich, R. (2024). Independent-channels models of temporal-order judgment revisited: A model comparison. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 86(6), 2187-2209.

    Koch, T. J. S., Arnold, M., Völker, J., & Sonnentag, S. (2024). Eat healthy, feel better: Are differences in employees’ longitudinal healthy-eating trajectories reflected in better psychological well-being? Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(3), 1305–1325.

    Koch, T. J. S., Nesher Shoshan, H., Völker, J., & Sonnentag, S. (2024). Psychological detachment matters right after work: Engaging in physical exercise after stressful workdays. International Journal of Stress Management, 31(3), 266–278.

    Koch, T. J. S., Völker, J., & Sonnentag, S. (2024). Healthy and successful: Health-behavior goal striving in daily work life. Stress and Health, 40(2), Article e3295.

    Kraus, J., Miller, L., Klumpp, M., Babel, F., Scholz, D., Merger, J., & Baumann, M. (2024). On the role of beliefs and trust for the intention to use service robots: An integrated trustworthiness beliefs model for robot acceptance. International Journal of Social Robotics, 16(6), 1223–1246.

    Kupffer, R., Frick, S., & Wetzel, E. (2024). Detecting careless responding in multidimensional forced-choice questionnaires. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 84(5), 887–926.

    Leipold, F. M., Kieslich, P. J., Henninger, F., Fernández-Fontelo, A., Greven, S., & Kreuter, F. (2024). Detecting respondent burden in online surveys: How different sources of question difficulty influence cursor movements. Social Science Computer Review, 43(1), 191–213.

    Merhof, V., Böhm, C. M., & Meiser, T. (2024). Separation of traits and extreme response style in IRTree models: The role of mimicry effects for the meaningful interpretation of estimates. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 84(5), 927–956.

    Petras, N., Dantlgraber, M., & Reips, U. D. (2024). Illustrating psychometric tests, scales, and constructs: An R package for Item Pool Visualization. Behavior Research Methods, 56(2), 639–650.

    Petras, N. & Meiser, T. (2024). Problems of domain factors with small factor loadings in Bi-factor models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 59(1), 123–147.

    Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2024). Mixed-effects regression weights for advice taking and related phenomena of information sampling and utilization. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 37(2), Article e2369.

    Rebholz, T. R., Koop, A., & Hütter, M. (2024). Conversational User Interfaces: Explanations and Interactivity Positively Influence Advice Taking From Generative Artificial Intelligence. Technology, Mind, and Behavior5(4).

    Schmitt, M. C., Vogelsmeier, L. V. D. E., Erbas, Y., Stuber, S., & Lischetzke, T. (2024). Exploring within-person variability in qualitative negative and positive emotional granularity by means of latent Markov factor analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 59(4), 781–800.

    Schnuerch, M., Haaf, J. M., Sarafoglou, A., & Rouder, J. N. (2022). Meaningful comparisons with ordinal-scale items. Collabra: Psychology, 8(1), Article 28594.

    Scholz, D. D., Bader, M., Betsch, C., Böhm, R., Lilleholt, L., Sprengholz, P., Zettler, I. (2024). The moderating role of trust in pandemic-relevant institutions on the relation between pandemic fatigue and vaccination intentions. Journal of Health Psychology, 29(4), 358–364.

    Scholz, D. D.*, Kraus, J.*, & Miller, L. (2024). Measuring the propensity to trust in automated technology: Examining similarities to dispositional trust in other humans and validation of the PTT-A scale. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. Advance online publication.
    [*shared first authorship]

    Scholz, D. D., Zimmermann, J., Moshagen, M., Zettler, I., & Hilbig, B. E. (2024). Theoretical and empirical integration of ‘dark’ traits and socially aversive personality psychopathology. Journal of Personality Disorders, 38(3), 241–267.

    Schreiner, M. R., Bröder, A., & Meiser, T. (2024). Agency effects on the binding of event elements in episodic memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 77(6)1201-1220.

    Schumacher, L., Schnuerch, M., Voss, A., & Radev, S. T. (2024). Validation and comparison of non-stationary cognitive models: A diffusion model application. Computational Brain & Behavior. Advance online publication.

    Seitz, T., Wetzel, E., Hilbig, B. E., & Meiser, T. (2024). Using the multidimensional nominal response model to model faking in questionnaire data: The importance of item desirability characteristics. Behavior Research Methods, 56(8), 8869–8896.

    Smith, P., & Ulrich, R. (2024). The neutral condition in conflict tasks: On the violation of the midpoint assumption in reaction time trends. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(5), 1023-1043.

    Ulitzsch, E., Henninger, M., & Meiser, T. (2024). Differences in response-scale usage are ubiquitous in cross-country comparisons and a potential driver of elusive relationships. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 10890.

    Völker, J., Koch, T. J. S., Wiegelmann, M., & Sonnentag, S. (2024). Mind the misalignment: The moderating role of daily social sleep lag in employees' recovery processes. Journal of Organizational Behavior45(5), 684–701.

    Völker, J., Wiegelmann, M., Koch, T. J. S., & Sonnentag, S. (2024). It's Monday again: Weekend sleep differentially relates to the workweek via reattachment on Monday. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(6), 800–817.

    Wieschen, E.M., Makani, A., Radev, S.T., Voss, A., & Spaniol, J. (2024). Age-related differences in decision-making: Evidence accumulation is more gradual in older age. Experimental Aging Research, 50(5) 537–549.

  • 2023

    Alagöz, Ö. E. C., & Meiser, T. (2023). Investigating Heterogeneity in Response Strategies: A Mixture Multidimensional IRTree Approach. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 84(5), 957–993. 

    Arnold, M., Casper, A., & Sonnentag, S. (2023). Daily trajectories of evening recovery experiences and their role for next-day mood. Journal of occupational health psychology, 28(5), 291–309.

    Arnold, M., & Sonnentag, S. (2023). Time matters: The role of recovery for daily mood trajectories at work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(4), 754–785.

    Fenn, J., Helm, J. F., Höfele, P., Kulbe, L., Ernst, A., & Kiesel, A. (2023). Identifying key-psychological factors influencing the acceptance of yet emerging technologies–A multi-method-approach to inform climate policy. PLOS Climate, 2(6), Article e0000207.

    Hartmann, R., Meyer-Grant, C. G., & Klauer, K. C. (2023). An adaptive rejection sampler for sampling from the Wiener diffusion model. Behavior research methods, 55(5), 2283–2296.

    Hasselhorn, K., Ottenstein, C., & Lischetzke, T. (2023). Modeling careless responding in ambulatory assessment studies using multilevel latent class analysis: Factors influencing careless responding. Psychological Methods. Advance online publication.

    Horsten, L. K., Thielmann, I., Moshagen, M., Zettler, I., Scholz, D., & Hilbig, B. E. (2023). Testing the equivalence of the aversive core of personality and a blend of agreeableness(-related) items. Journal of personality, 92(2), 393–404.

    Mayer, M., Broß, M., & Heck, D. W. (2023). Expertise determines the frequency and accuracy of contributions in sequential collaboration. Judgment and Decision Making, 18, Article E2.

    Mayer, M., & Heck, D. W. (2023). Cultural consensus theory for two-dimensional location judgments. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 113, Article 102742.

    Merhof, V., & Meiser, T. (2023). Dynamic response style effects: Accounting for response process heterogeneity in IRTree decision nodes. Psychometrika, 88(4), 1354–1380.

    Meyer-Grant, C. G. & Klauer, K. C. (2023). Does ROC-asymmetry reverse when detecting new stimuli? Reinvestigating whether the retrievability of mnemonic information is task-dependent. Memory & Cognition, 51(1)160–174

    Radev, S. T., Schmitt, M., Schumacher, L.Elsemüller, L., Pratz, V., Schälte, Y., Köthe, U., & Bürkner, P.-C. (2023). Bayesflow: Amortized bayesian workflows with neural networks. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(89), Article 5702.

    Scholz, D. D., Thielmann, I., & Hilbig, B. E. (2023). Down to the core: The role of the common core of dark traits for aversive relationship behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences, 213, Article 112263.

    Schreiner, M. R. & Hütter, M. (2023). The influence of social status on memory: No evidence for effects of social status on event element binding. Social Cognition, 41(5), 447–466.

    Schreiner, M. R. & Meiser, T. (2023). Measuring binding effects in event-based episodic representations. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 981–996. 

    Schumacher, L., & Voss, A., (2023). Duration discrimination: A diffusion decision modeling approach. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics85(2), 560–577.

    Schumacher, L., Bürkner, P.-C., Voss, A., Köthe, U., & Radev, S. T. (2023). Neural superstatistics for Bayesian estimation of dynamic cognitive models. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 13778.

    Sonnentag, S., Kottwitz, M. U., Koch, T. J. S., & Völker, J. (2023). Enrichment and conflict between work and health behaviors: New scales for assessing how work relates to physical exercise and healthy eating. Occupational Health Science, 7(2), 251–296.

    Völker, J., Casper, A., Koch, T. J. S., & Sonnentag, S. (2023). It’s a match: The relevance of matching chronotypes for dual-earner couples’ daily recovery from work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28(3), 174–191.

    Wiegelmann, M., Völker, J., & Sonnentag, S. (2023). Sleep has many faces: The interplay of sleep and work in predicting employees’ energetic state over the course of the day. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28(1), 52–63. 

  • 2022

    Bader, M.*, Horsten, L. K.*, Hilbig, B. E., & Zettler, I., & Moshagen, M. (2022). Measuring the dark core of personality in German: Psychometric properties, measurement invariance, predictive validity, and self-other agreement. Journal of Personality Assessment, 104, 660–637. [*shared first-authorship]

    Frick, S. (2022). Modeling faking in the multidimensional forced-choice format: The faking mixture model. Psychometrika, 87, 773–794 (2022).

    Hoogeveen, S., Sarafoglou, A., ..., Frick, S., ... , Izydorczyk, D., ..., Laukenmann, R., ..., Quevedo Pütter, J., ..., Schmitt, M.C., ..., Schnuerch, M., ..., Schreiner, M.R., ..., Stuber, S., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2022). A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being. Religion, Brain & Behavior. 

    Horsten, L. K., Hilbig, B. E., Thielmann, I., Zettler, I., & Moshagen, M. (2022). Fast, but not so Furious. On the Distinctiveness of a Fast Life History Strategy and the Common Core of Aversive Traits. Personality Science3, 1–19.

    Mayer, M., & Heck, D. W. (2022). Sequential collaboration: The accuracy of dependent, incremental judgments. Decision. Advance online publication.

    Meyer-Grant, C. G., Cruz, N., Singmann, H., Winiger, S., Goswami, S., Hayes, B. K., & Klauer, K. C. (2022). Are logical intuitions only make-believe? Reexamining the logic-liking effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication.

    Meyer-Grant, C. G.,& Klauer, K. C. (2022) Disentangling different aspects of between-item similarity unveils evidence against the ensemble model of lineup memory. Computational Brain & Behavior, 5, 509–526. 

    Quevedo Pütter, J., & Erdfelder, E. (2022). Alcohol-induced retrograde facilitation? Mixed evidence in a preregistered replication and encoding-maintenance-retrieval analysis. Experimental Psychology, 69(6), 335–350.

    Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2022). The advice less taken: The consequences of receiving unexpected advice. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(4), 816–848.

    Reiber, F., Bryce, D., & Ulrich, R. (2022). Self-protecting responses in randomized response designs: A survey on intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sociological Methods and Research. Advance online publication.

    Reiber, F., Schnuerch, M., & Ulrich, R.(2022). Improving the efficiency of surveys with randomized response models: A sequential approach based on curtailed sampling. Psychological Methods, 27(2), 198–211. 

    Rouder, J. N., Schnuerch, M., Haaf, J. M., & Morey, R. D. (2022). Principles of model specification in ANOVA Designs. Computational Brain & Behavior.

    Schnuerch, M., Heck, D. W., & Erdfelder, E. (2022). Waldian t tests: Sequential Bayesian t tests with controlled error probabilities. Psychological Methods, 10.1037/met0000492. Advance online publication.

    Scholz, D. D., Hilbig, B. E., Thielmann, I., Moshagen, M. & Zettler, I. (2022). Beyond (low) Agreeableness: Towards a more comprehensive understanding of antagonistic psychopathology. Journal of personality. 90(6), 956–97. 

    Schreiner, M. R., Meiser, T., & Bröder, A. (2022). The binding structure of event elements in episodic memory and the role of animacy. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 17470218221096148. Advance online publication.

    Schreiner, M. R., Mercier, B., Frick, S., Wiwad, D., Schmitt, M. C., Kelly, J. M., Quevedo Pütter, J. (2022). Measurement issues in the many analysts religion project [Peer commentary on “A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being” by S. Hoogeveen et al.]. Religion, Brain & Behavior.

    Symeonidou, N., & Kuhlmann, B. G. (2022). Better memory for emotional sources? A systematic evaluation of source valence and arousal in source memory. Cognition & emotion, 36(2), 300–316.

    von Krause, M., Radev, S., & Voss, A. (2022). Mental speed is high until age 60 as revealed by a model-based neural network analysis of big data. Nature: Human Behavior.

  • 2021

    Bott, F. M., Kellen, D., & Klauer, K. C. (2021). Normative accounts of illusory correlations. Psychological Review, 128(5), 856–878.

    Erdfelder, E., & Schnuerch, M. (2021). On the efficiency of the independent segments procedure: A direct comparison with sequential probability ratio tests. Psychological methods, 26(4), 501–506.

    Frick, S., Brown, A. A., & Wetzel, E. (2021). Investigating the normativity of trait estimates from multidimensional forced-choice data. Multivariate Behavioral Research.

    Hartmann, R. & Klauer, K. C. (2021). Partial derivatives for the first-passage time distribution in Wiener diffusion models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 103, 102550.

    Hasselhorn, K., Ottenstein, C., & Lischetzke, T. (2021). The effects of assessment intensity on participant burden, compliance, within-person variance, and within-person relationships in ambulatory assessment. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 1541-1558.

    Hilbig, B. E., Moshagen, M., Horsten, L. K., & Zettler, I. (2021). Agreeableness is dead. Long live Agreeableness? Reply to Vize and Lynam. Journal of Research in Personality, 91, 104074.

    Horsten, L. K., Moshagen, M., Zettler, I., & Hilbig, B. E., (2021). Theoretical and empirical dissociations between the Dark Factor of Personality and low Honesty-Humility. Journal of Research in Personality, 95, 104154.

    Izydorczyk, D. & Bröder, A. (2021). Exemplar-based judgment or direct recall: On a problematic procedure for estimating parameters in exemplar models of quantitative judgment. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Advance online publication.

    Konicar, L., Radev, S. T., Prillinger, K., Klöbl, M., Diehm, R., Birbaumer, N., ... & Poustka, L. (2021). Volitional modification of brain activity in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Bayesian analysis of Slow Cortical Potential neurofeedback. NeuroImage: Clinical, 29, 1–10.

    Kroneisen, M., Bott, F. M., & Mayer, M. (2021). Remembering the bad ones: Does the source memory advantage for cheaters influence our later actions positively? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(10),1669-1685.

    Mertens, A., von Krause, M., Denk, A., & Heitz, T. (2021). Gender differences in eating behavior and environmental attitudes – The mediating role of the Dark Triad. Personality and Individual Differences, 168.

    Meyer-Grant, C. G. & Klauer, K. C. (2021). Monotonicity of rank order probabilities in signal detection models of simultaneous detection and identification. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 105, 102615.

    Nadarevic, L., Schnuerch, M., & Stegemann, M. (2021). Judging fast and slow: The truth effect does not increase under time-pressure conditions. Judgment and Decision Making, 16(5), 1234-1266.

    Radev, S. T., Graw, F., Chen, S., Mutters, N. T., Eichel, V. M., Bärnighausen, T., & Köthe, U. (2021). OutbreakFlow: Model-based Bayesian inference of disease outbreak dynamics with invertible neural networks and its application to the COVID-19 pandemics in Germany. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(10), e1009472.

    Reuter, L., Fenn, J., Bilo, T. A., Schulz, M., Weyland, A. L., Kiesel, A., & Thomaschke, R. (2021). Leisure walks modulate the cognitive and affective representation of the corona pandemic: Employing Cognitive‐Affective Maps within a randomized experimental design. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being.

    Schmitt, M. C., Prestele, E., & Reis, D. (2021). Perfectionistic cognitions as antecedents of work engagement: Personal resources, personal demands, or both? Collabra: Psychology, 7.

    Stump, A., Rummel, J., & Voss, A. (2021). Is it all about the feeling? Affective and (meta-)cognitive mechanisms underlying the truth effect. Psychological Research, 86, 12–36.

    Symeonidou, N., & Kuhlmann, B. G. (2021). A novel paradigm to assess storage of sources in memory: The source recognition test with reinstatement. Memory, 29(4), 507–523.

    von Krause, M., Radev, S.T., Voss, A., Quintus, M., Egloff, B., & Wrzus, C. (2021). Stability and change in diffusion model parameters over two years. Journal of Intelligence, 9(2), 26.

    Voormann, A., Spektor, M. S., & Klauer, K. C. (2021). The simultaneous recognition of multiple words: A process analysis. Memory and Cognition, 49,787–802.

    Voormann, A., Rothe-Wulf, A., Starns, J. J., & Klauer, K.C. (2021). Does speed of recognition predict two-alternative forced-choice performance? Replicating and extending Starns, Dubé, and Frelinger (2018). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(1), 122–134.

  • 2020

    Appel, M., Izydorczyk, D., Weber, S., Mara, M., & Lischetzke, T. (2020). The uncanny of mind in a machine: Humanoid robots as tools, agents, and experiencers. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 274–286.

    Bott, F. M., & Meiser, T. (2020). Pseudocontingency inference and choice: The role of information sampling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,46(9), 1624–1644.

    Bott, F. M., Heck, D. W., & Meiser, T. (2020). Parameter validation in hierarchical MPT models by functional dissociation with continuous covariates: An application to contingency inference. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98

    D’Alessandro, M., Radev, S. T.,Voss, A., & Lombardi, L. (2020). A Bayesian brain model of adaptive behavior: an application to the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. PeerJ, 8(e10316), 1–32

    Grommisch, G., Koval, P., Hinton, J. D. X., Gleeson, J., Hollenstein, T., Kuppens, P., & Lischetzke, T. (2020). Modeling individual differences in emotion regulation repertoire in daily life with multilevel latent profile analysis. Emotion, 20(8), 1462–1474.

    Hartmann, R., Johannsen, L., & Klauer, K. C. (2020). rtmpt: An R package for fitting response-time extended multinomial processing tree models. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 1313–1338.

    Hartmann, R., & Klauer, K. C. (2020). Extending RT-MPTs to enable equal process times. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 96, 102340.

    Heck, D.W., & Erdfelder, E. (2020). Benefits of response time-extended multinomial processing tree models: A reply to Starns (2018). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 571–580.

    Heck, D. W., Thielmann, I., Klein, S. A., & Hilbig, B. E. (2020). On the limited generality of air pollution and anxiety as causal determinants of unethical behavior: Commentary on Lu, Lee, Gino, and Galinsky (2018). Psychological Science, 31(6), 741–747.

    Lerche, V., von Krause, M., Voss, A., Frischkorn, G. T., Schubert, A.-L., & Hagemann, D. (2020). Diffusion modeling and intelligence: Drift rates show both domain-general and domain-specific relations with intelligence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.

    Mertens, A., von Krause, M., Meyerhöfer, S., Aziz, C., Baumann, F., Denk, A., ... & Maute, J. (2020). Valuing humans over animals – Gender differences in meat-eating behavior and the role of the Dark Triad.  Appetite, 146, 104516.

    Moshagen, M., Zettler, I., Horsten, L. K., & Hilbig, B. E. (2020). Agreeableness and the common core of dark traits are functionally different constructs. Journal of Research in Personality, 87, 103986.

    Nigg, C. R., Fuchs, R., Gerber, M., Jekauc, D., Koch, T., Krell-Roesch, J., ... & Sattler, M. C. (2020). Assessing physical activity through questionnaires–A consensus of best practices and future directions. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 50.

    Pensel, M. C., Schnuerch, M., Elger, C. E., & Surges, R. (2020). Predictors of focal to bilateral tonic‐clonic seizures during long‐term video‐EEG monitoring. Epilepsia, 61(3), 489–497.

    Radev, S. T., Mertens, U. K., Voss, A., Ardizzone, L., & Köthe, U. (2020). BayesFlow: learning complex stochastic models with invertible neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

    Radev, S. T., Mertens, U. K., Voss, A., & Köthe, U. (2020). Towards end-to-end likelihood-free inference with convolutional neural networks. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 73(1), 23–43.

    Reiber, F., Pope, H., & Ulrich, R. (2020). Cheater detection using the unrelated question model. Sociological Methods and Research. Advance online publication.

    Schnuerch, M., & Erdfelder, E. (2020). Controlling decision errors with minimal costs: The sequential probability ratio t test. Psychological Methods, 25(2), 206–226.

    Schnuerch, M., Erdfelder, E., & Heck, D. W. (2020). Sequential hypothesis tests for multinomial processing tree models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 95, 102326.

    Schnuerch, M., Nadarevic, L., & Rouder, J. N. (2020). The truth revisited: Bayesian analysis of individual differences in the truth effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Advance online publication.

    Theisen, M., Lerche, V., von Krause, M.*, & Voss, A. (2020). Age differences in diffusion model parameters: A meta-analysis. Psychological Research, 1–10.

    von Krause, M., Lerche, V., Schubert, A.-L., & Voss, A. (2020). Do non-decision times mediate the association between age and intelligence across different content and process domains? Journal of Intelligence, 8(3), 33.

    Wetzel, E., Frick, S., & Brown, A. (2020). Is the multidimensional forced-choice format fake-proof? Comparing the susceptibility of the multidimensional forced-choice format and the rating scale format to socially desirable responding. Psychological Assessment, 33(2), 156–170.

    Wetzel, E., & Frick, S. (2020). Comparing the validity of trait estimates from the multidimensional forced-choice format and the rating scale format. Psychological Assessment, 32(3), 239–253.

    Wetzel, E., Frick, S., & Greiff, S. (2020). The multidimensional forced-choice format as an alternative for rating scales: Current state of the research. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36(4), 511–515.

    Wieschen, E. M., Voss, A., & Radev, S. (2020). Jumping to conclusion? A Lévy Flight Model of decision making. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16(2), 120–132.

  • 2019

    Arnold, N. R., Heck, D. W., Bröder, A., Meiser, T., & Boywitt, D. C. (2019). Testing hypotheses about binding in context memory with a hierarchical multinomial modeling approach: A preregistered study. Experimental Psychology, 66, 239–251. doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000442

    Brandt, M., Zaiser, A.-K., & Schnuerch, M. (2019). Homogeneity of item material boosts the list length effect in recognition memory: A global matching perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(5), 834–850. doi: 10.1037/xlm0000594

    Erdfelder, E. & Heck, D. W. (2019). Detecting evidential value and p-hacking with the p-curve tool: A word of caution. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 227(4), 249–260. doi: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000383

    Gronau, Q. F., Wagenmakers, E., Heck, D. W., & Matzke, D. (2019). A simple method for comparing complex models: Bayesian model comparison for hierarchical multinomial processing tree models using warp-III bridge sampling. Psychometrika, 84, 261–284. doi:10.1007/s11336-018-9648-3

    Heck, D. W. (2019). A caveat on the Savage-Dickey density ratio: The case of computing Bayes factors for regression parameters. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72, 316–333. doi:10.1111/bmsp.12150

    Heck, D. W. (2019). Accounting for estimation uncertainty and shrinkage in Bayesian within-subject intervals: A comment on Nathoo, Kilshaw, and Masson (2018). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 88, 27–31. doi:10.1016/

    Heck, D. W., & Davis-Stober, C. P. (2019). Multinomial models with linear inequality constraints: Overview and improvements of computational methods for Bayesian inference. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 91, 70–87. doi:10.1016/

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    Heck, D. W., Overstall, A., Gronau, Q. F., & Wagenmakers, E. (2019). Quantifying uncertainty in transdimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo using discrete Markov models. Statistics & Computing, 29, 631–643. doi:10.1007/s11222-018-9828-0

    Klein, S. A., Heck, D. W., Reese, G., & Hilbig, B. E. (2019). On the relationship between Openness to Experience, political orientation, and pro-environmental behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 344–348.doi:10.1016/j.paid.2018.10.017

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    Schild, C., Heck, D. W., Ścigała, K. A., & Zettler, I. (2019). Revisiting REVISE: (Re)Testing unique and combined effects of REminding, VIsibility, and SElf-engagement manipulations on cheating behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 75, 102161.

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  • 2018

    Erdfelder, E. & Ulrich, R. (2018). Zur Methodologie von Replikationsstudien. (On the methodology of replication studies.) Psychologische Rundschau, 69, 3–21. doi: 10.1026/0033-3042/a000387

    Heck, D. W., Arnold, N. R., & Arnold, D. (2018). TreeBUGS: An R package for hierarchical multinomial-processing-tree modeling. Behavior Research Methods, 50(1), 264–284. doi: 10.3758/s13428-017-0869-7

    Heck, D. W., Erdfelder, E., & Kieslich, P. J. (2018). Generalized processing tree models: Jointly modeling discrete and continuous variables. Psychometrika, 83, 893–918. doi:10.1007/s11336-018-9622-0

    Heck, D. W., Hoffmann, A., & Moshagen, M. (2018). Detecting nonadherence without loss in efficiency: A simple extension of the crosswise model. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1895-1905. doi:10.3758/s13428-017-0957-8 

    Heck, D. W., & Moshagen, M. (2018). RRreg: An R package for correlation and regression analyses of randomized response data. Journal of Statistical Software, 85 (2), 1–29. doi: 10.18637/jss.v085.i02   [Link to RRreg package on CRAN]

    Heck, D. W., Thielmann, I., Moshagen, M., & Hilbig, B. E. (2018). Who lies? A large-scale reanalysis linking basic personality traits to unethical decision making. Judgment and Decision Making, 13, 356–371. Retrieved from

    Mascarenhas, M. F., Dübbers, F., Hoszowska, M.,  Köseoğlu, A.,  Karakasheva, R. B. Topal, A. & Izydorczyk, D., Lemoine, J. E. (2018). The Power of choice: A study protocol on how identity leadership fosters commitment toward the organization. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1677. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01677

    Mertens, U. K., Voss, A., & Radev, S. T. (2018). ABrox—A user-friendly Python module for approximate Bayesian computation with a focus on model comparison. PloS one, 13(3). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193981

    Miller, R., Scherbaum, S., Heck, D. W., Goschke, T., & Enge, S. (2018). On the relation between the (censored) shifted Wald and the Wiener distribution as measurement models for choice response times. Applied Psychological Measurement, 42(2), 116–135.doi: 10.1177/0146621617710465

    Plieninger, H., & Heck, D. W. (2018). A new model for acquiescence at the interface of psychometrics and cognitive psychology. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 53(5), 633–654. doi: 10.1080/00273171.2018.1469966

    Sonnentag, S. & Lischetzke, T. (2018). Illegitimate tasks reach into afterwork hours: A multilevel study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23, 248–261. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000077

    Ulrich, R., Miller, J., & Erdfelder, E. (2018). Effect size estimation from t statistics in the presence of publication bias: A brief review of existing approaches with some extensions. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 226, 56–80. doi: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000319