Robert Litschko
litschko (at)
University of Mannheim
B6, 26, Room C 1.06
D-68159 Mannheim
Research Interests
- Multilingual and Cross-lingual NLP
- Cross-lingual Information Retrieval
- Distributional Semantics
Teaching Assistant:
- Web Search and Information Retrieval (FSS 2018, FSS 2019, FSS 2020)
- Introduction to Data Science (HWS 2018, HWS 2019, HWS 2020)
- Text Analytics (HWS 2019, HWS 2020)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (HWS 2019)
Thesis Co-supervisor:
- Semantic Relation Classificiation in Scientific Papers
- Injecting Common Sense Knowledge into Unsupervised Pretraining Models for NLP
- Pre-trained Multilingual Masked Language Models to Identify Offensive Language in Social Media
- Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles