Artificial Intelligence Research Group
We conduct fundamental and applied research in Artificial Intelligence. We develop AI methods that address the specific challenges of a number of application areas in Industry and Society:

- Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt Artificial Intelligence
- Dr. Christian Meilicke: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Keyvan Amiri Elyasi: Predictive Process Mining with Deep Neural Networks
- Alexander Bubak: Data-Driven Inventory Management
- Patrick Betz: Neuro-Symbolic Integration
- Lea Cohausz: Causal Models and Fair ML in Educational Data Mining
- Thilo Dieing: Social Data Science
- Julia Gastinger: Temporal Graph Mining
- Jakob Kappenberger: Social Simulation and Algorithmic Decision Making
- Ricarda Link: Motion-based Human Activity Recognition
- Konrad Özdemir: Temporal Machine Learning
- Darshit Pandya: Activity Monitoring using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems
PhD Students
- Julian Aßmann (SAP): Downsizing Large Language Models
- Jannik Brinkmann (InES): Mechanistic Interpretation of Neural Networks
- Christoph Huber (HS Mannheim): Visualization of Smart City Data
- Mareike Keil (em: AG) UI-Design for Neurodivergent Users
- Lukas Kirchdorfer (SAP Signavio): Data-driven Business Process Simulation
- Sascha Marton (InES): Gradient-based Learning of Decision Trees and Forests
- Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (ZI): Digital Mind Twins
- Simon Ott (Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH): Rule-based Learning for Knowledge Graphs
- Sebastian Paull (AIPERIA): Machine Learning for Master Production Planning
- Florian Rupp (HdM Stuttgart): Fair Game Design with Reinforcement Learning
- Andrej Tschalzev (InES): Deep Learning for Tabular Data
- Nils Wilken (InES): Symbolic Goal Recognition
Completed PhDs
- Prof. Dr. Erman Acar (2018): “Knowledge Representation for Automated Decision Making”
- Dr. Taha Alhersh (2021): “From Motion to Human Activity Recognition”
- Dr. Sarah Alturki (2022): “Predicting Student Performance in Interdisciplinary Programs using Methods of Educational Data Mining”.
- Dr. Elena Beisswanger (2013): “Developing Ontological Background Knowledge for Biomedicine”.
- Dr. Fabian Burzlaff (2021): “Knowledge-Driven Architecture Composition”.
- Dr. Alexander Diete (2021): “Towards Multimodal Activity Recognition in Complex Scenarios”
- Dr. Arnab Dutta (2016): “Automated Knowledge Base Extension Using Open Information”.
- Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert (2012): “Usage-driven maintenance of knowledge organization systems”.
- Dr. Daniel Fleischhacker (2016): “Detecting Errors in Linked Data Using Ontology Learning and Outlier Detection”.
- Dr. Oliver Frendo (2021): “Improving Smart Charging for Electric Vehicle Fleets by Integrating Battery and Prediction Models”.
- Dr. David Friede (2023): “Exploring discrete representations in stochastic computation graphs Challenges, benefits, and novel strategies”.
- Dr. Rim Helaoui* (2016): “On Leveraging Statistical and Relational Information for the Representation and Recognition of Complex Human Activities”.
- Dr. Jakob Huber* (2019): “Data-driven Decision Support for Perishable Goods”.
- Dr. Jonathan Kobbe (2023): “Automatic generation of structured explanations for arguments from consequences”.
- Dr. Elena Kuss (2019): “Evaluation of Process Model Matching Techniques”.
- Dr. Christian Meilicke* (2011): “Alignment Incoherence in Ontology Matching”.
- Dr. Jan Noessner* (2014): “Efficient Maximum A-Posteriori Inference in Markov Logic and Application in Description Logics”.
- Dr. Andreas Nolle (2021): “Federated Knowledge Base Debugging in DL-LiteA".
- Dr. Michael Oesterle (2024) “Self-learning restriction-based governance of multi-agent systems”.
- Dr. Christoph Pinkel (2016): “Incremental, Interactive,Inter-Model Mapping Generation”.
- Dr. Bernhard Schäfer* (2023): “Recognizing Hand-drawn Diagrams in Images”
- Dr. Anne Schlicht* (2012): “Scaling Up Description Logic Reasoning by Distributed Resolution”.
- Dr. Jörg Schönfisch (2018): “Scalable Handling of Uncertain Data and Knowledge Graphs”
- Dr. Diana Sola (2023): “Recommending activities for business process model”.
- Dr. Timo Sztyler* (2019): “Sensor-based human activity recognition: Overcoming issues in a real world setting”
- Dr. Christoph Theil (2022): “Uncertainty, Risk, and Financial Disclosures -
Applications of Natural Language Processing in Behavioral Economics”. - Dr. Caecilia Zirn (2016): “Fine-grained Position Analysis for Political Texts”.
* With Distinction
Former Members still active in Science
- Erman Acar – Assistant Professor in Explainable AI for Finance – University of Amsterdam
- Sarah Alturki – Assistant Professor Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Rihyad, Saudi Arabia
- Melisachew Wudage Chekol – Assistant Professor for Data Management at the Utrecht University
- Kai Eckert – Professor at University of Applied Science Mannheim
- Ioana Hulpus – Assistant Professor at Utrecht University
- Rim Helaoui – Director Data & AI Innovation & Strategy at Philips Research Eindhoven
- Elena Kuss – Professor for Business Informatics Reuthlingen University of Applied Science
- Goran Glavas – Professor for Natural Language Processing at Würzburg University
- Stefan Lüdtke – Tenure Track Assistant Professor for Marine Data Science at University of Rostock
- Federico Nanni - Research Data Scientist at the Allan Turing Institute London
- Mathias Niepert – Professor for Machine Learning and Simulation at Stuttgart University
- Sanja Stajner – Senior Research Scientist at Symanto.
- Timo Sztyler – Research Scientist at NEC Labs Europe Heidelberg
- NEST-bw: Netzwerk zu Verfahren der Studienorientierung und Selbstreflexion (2024 – )
- Meeting KI: Entwicklung eines intelligenten Meeting- Unterstützungsystems (2024 – 2026)
- TransforMA: Technologie- und Wissenstransfer für die aktive Gestaltung von Transformationsprozessen (2023 – 2027)
- sMArt roots – Smart City Modellstadt Mannheim (2021 – 2026)
- CAIUS: Consequences of AI Applications on Urban Societies (2019 – 2025)
- KISync – AI for integrated supply chain optimization (2022 – 2025)
Software and Data
- Activity Recognition Data and Algorithms
- AnyBURL (A state of the art rule learner for Knowledge-Base Completion)
- ALCOMO (a tool for repairing ontology alignments)
- Rockit (a query engine for Markov Logic)
- ELOG (a reasoner for log-linear description logics.
Courses FSS
Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence – Lecture (Lecture, english)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
On-campus and online, live & recorded
Learning target:
Students will acquire knowledge about possible applications of machine learning in different branches of industry as well as the dominant methods used in these areas:
Methodological competence:
Successful participants will be able to: Identify potential for applying AI methods in different areas of industry; Decide on a suitable method for addressing typical problems in these industries
Personal competence:
Participants will learn to reflect and document their own learning process
Students will acquire knowledge about possible applications of machine learning in different branches of industry as well as the dominant methods used in these areas:
- Primary Sector: Agriculture, Energy Production
- Secondary Sector: Production, Supply Chain Management
- Tertiary Sector: Healthcare, Education, Finance
Methodological competence:
Successful participants will be able to: Identify potential for applying AI methods in different areas of industry; Decide on a suitable method for addressing typical problems in these industries
Personal competence:
Participants will learn to reflect and document their own learning process
Recommended requirement:
Various Scientific Publications – details in the lecture slides
Examination achievement:
Submission of a Learning Portfolio
Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Participants will learn about the use of Artificial Intelligence methods, mostly from the field of machine learning in different sectors and industries. They will learn about application areas in the primary, secondary and tertiary sector, get an introduction to examples of such applications that have been published on a scientific level and gather some experience in working with data from the respective fields using publically available datasets.
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Wirtschaftsinformatik II: Grundlagen der Modellierung (Lecture, german)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Bachelor, Master
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
On-campus and online, live
Learning target:
Personale Kompetenz:
- Kenntnisse aktueller Modellierungssprachen und Werkzeugen.
- Verständnis für Grundprinzipien und Formalen Grundlagen der Modellierung von Anwendungsdomänen und Prozessen.
- Beschreibung von Domänen und Prozesse einfacher und mittlerer Komplexität mit Hilfe gängiger Sprachen und Werkzeuge
Personale Kompetenz:
- Verständnis komplexer Zusammenhänge, Arbeiten im Team, Kommunikation von Modellierungsentscheidungen
Recommended requirement:
Examination achievement:
Studienbeginn ab HWS 2011:
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Übungsbetrieb
Schriftliche Klausur (90 Minuten)
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Übungsbetrieb
Schriftliche Klausur (90 Minuten)
Studienbeginn vor HWS 2011:
Schriftliche Klausur (90 Minuten)
Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Dr. Christian Meilicke
Die Vorlesung behandelt die Rolle konzeptueller Modellierung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Es werden Vorteile und Grenzen der Modlelierung im Unternehmenkontext aufgezeigt und Modellierungssprachen und Werkzeuge eingeführt. Inhalte der Veranstaltung umfassen unter anderem:
- Modellierungsprinzipien
- Praxisnahe Sprachen (UML, BPMN)
- Formale Grundlagen von Modellierungssprachen (Logik, Pertri-Netze)
- Modellierungswerkzeuge.
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Courses HWS
Data Science in Action (ENGAGE.EU Signature Course) (Lecture, english)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Online, live
Recommended requirement:
Recommended Papers from invited speakers
Examination achievement:
Written Essay
Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
The Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS) offers a lecture series on “Data Science in Action” together with the European University ENGAGE.EU (Signature Course). Renowned researchers from the University of Mannheim and its partner universities Université Toulouse Capitole, Tilburg University, Hanken School of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business will provide insights into their data-based research. The speakers represent various disciplines, including business administration, computer science, political science, business education, media and communication studies, sociology, psychology and linguistics. The lecture series thus represents the relevance of data science in its entire breadth for science and society.
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Decision Support (Lecture, english)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Bachelor, Master
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Learning target:
Students will acquire basic knowledge of the techniques, opportunities and applications of decision theory.
Methodological competence:
Students will acquire basic knowledge of the techniques, opportunities and applications of decision theory.
Methodological competence:
- Successful participants will be able to identify opportunities for decision support in an enterprise environment, select and apply appropriate techniques, and interpret the results.
- project presentation skills
Personal competence:
- team work skills
- presentation skills
Recommended requirement:
Examination achievement:
Written examination (90 minutes), homework assignments, case studies
Lea Cohausz, Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
The course provides an introduction to decision support techniques as a basis for the design of decision support systems. The course will cover the following topics:
- Decision Theory
- Decision- and Business Rules
- Planning Methods and Algorithms
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Game Theory and Mechanism Design
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Decision Support (Lecture, english)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Bachelor, Master
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Learning target:
Students will acquire basic knowledge of the techniques, opportunities and applications of decision theory.
Methodological competence:
Students will acquire basic knowledge of the techniques, opportunities and applications of decision theory.
Methodological competence:
- Successful participants will be able to identify opportunities for decision support in an enterprise environment, select and apply appropriate techniques, and interpret the results.
- project presentation skills
Personal competence:
- team work skills
- presentation skills
Recommended requirement:
Examination achievement:
Written examination (90 minutes), homework assignments, case studies
Lea Cohausz, Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
The course provides an introduction to decision support techniques as a basis for the design of decision support systems. The course will cover the following topics:
- Decision Theory
- Decision- and Business Rules
- Planning Methods and Algorithms
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Game Theory and Mechanism Design
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Decision Support (Lecture, english)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Bachelor, Master
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Learning target:
Students will acquire basic knowledge of the techniques, opportunities and applications of decision theory.
Methodological competence:
Students will acquire basic knowledge of the techniques, opportunities and applications of decision theory.
Methodological competence:
- Successful participants will be able to identify opportunities for decision support in an enterprise environment, select and apply appropriate techniques, and interpret the results.
- project presentation skills
Personal competence:
- team work skills
- presentation skills
Recommended requirement:
Examination achievement:
Written examination (90 minutes), homework assignments, case studies
Lea Cohausz, Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
The course provides an introduction to decision support techniques as a basis for the design of decision support systems. The course will cover the following topics:
- Decision Theory
- Decision- and Business Rules
- Planning Methods and Algorithms
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Game Theory and Mechanism Design
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Artificial Intelligence (Lecture, german)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Learning target:
Ziele und Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Suchverfahren als universelle Problemlösungsverfahren. Problemkomplexität und Heuristische Lösungen. Eigenschaften und Zusammenhang zwischen unterschiedlichen Suchverfahren.
Beschreibung konkreter Aufgaben als Such-, Constraint- oder Planungsproblem. Implementierung unterschiedlicher Suchverfahren und Heuristiken.
Ziele und Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Suchverfahren als universelle Problemlösungsverfahren. Problemkomplexität und Heuristische Lösungen. Eigenschaften und Zusammenhang zwischen unterschiedlichen Suchverfahren.
Beschreibung konkreter Aufgaben als Such-, Constraint- oder Planungsproblem. Implementierung unterschiedlicher Suchverfahren und Heuristiken.
Recommended requirement:
Examination achievement:
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Übungsbetrieb
schriftliche Klausur (90 Minuten)
schriftliche Klausur (90 Minuten)
Dr. Christian Meilicke
- Problemeigenschaften und Problemtypen
- Problemlösen als Suche, Anwendung im Bereich Computerspiele
- Constraintprobleme und deren Lösung
- Logische Constraints
More information
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Publications (past 5 years only)
- Kappenberger, J., Stuckenschmidt, H. and Gerdon, F. (2025). Pricing parking for fairness — A simulation study based on an empirically calibrated model of parking behavior. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 193, 1–29.
- Amiri Elyasi, K., Sola, D., Meilicke, C., der Aa, H. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Knowledge graph completion for activity recommendation in business process modeling. Künstliche Intelligenz : KI, 1–15.
- Bubak, A., Rolf, B., Reggelin, T., Lang, S. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). An LSTM network-based genetic algorithm for integrated procurement and scheduling optimisation. International Journal of Production Research, 1–30.
- Cohausz, L., Tschalzev, A., Bartelt, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Investigating demographic features and their connection to performance, predictions, and fairness in EDM models. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 16, 177–213.
- Marton, S., Lüdtke, S., Bartelt, C., Tschalzev, A. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Explaining neural networks without access to training data. Machine Learning, 113, 3633-3652.
- Meilicke, C., Chekol, M. W., Betz, P., Fink, M. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Anytime bottom-up rule learning for large-scale knowledge graph completion. The VLDB Journal, 33, 131–161.
- Rink, J., Szabo, K., Hoyer, C., Saver, J. L., Nour, M., Audebert, H. J., Kunz, W. G., Froelich, M. F., Heinzl, A., Tschalzev, A., Hoffmann, J., Schoenberg, S. O. and Tollens, F. (2024). Mobile stroke units services in Germany: A cost-effectiveness modeling perspective on catchment zones, operating modes, and staffing. European Journal of Neurology, 1–9.
- Rink, J., Tollens, F., Tschalzev, A., Bartelt, C., Heinzl, A., Hoffmann, J., Schoenberg, S. O., Marzina, A., Sandikci, V., Wiegand, C., Hoyer, C. and Szabo, K. (2024). Establishing an MSU service in a medium-sized German urban area — clinical and economic considerations. Frontiers in Neurolgy, 15, 1–9.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Bode, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Artificial intelligence and machine learning in purchasing and supply management: A mixed-methods review of the state-of-the-art in literature and practice. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 30, 1–21.
- Amaefule, C. O., Lüdtke, S., Klostermann, A., Hinz, C. A., Kampa, I., Kirste, T. and Teipel, S. (2023). At crossroads in a virtual city: Effect of spatial disorientation on gait variability and psychophysiological response among healthy older adults. Gerontology, 69, 450–463.
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2023). Correction to: Data-driven prototyping via natural- language-based GUI retrieval. Automated Software Engineering, 30, 1–2.
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2023). Data-driven prototyping via natural-language-based GUI retrieval. Automated Software Engineering, 30, 1–34.
- Schäfer, B., der Aa, H., Leopold, H. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2023). Sketch2Process: End-to-end BPMN Sketch Recognition Based on Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49, 2621-2641.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Bode, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2023). Designing an AI purchasing requisition bundling generator. Computers in Industry, 155, Article 104043, 1–14.
- Umlauft, J., Johnson, C. W., Roux, P., Trugman, D. T., Lecointre, A., Walpersdorf, A., Nanni, U., Gimbert, F., Rouet-Leduc, B., Hulbert, C., Lüdtke, S., Marton, S. and Johnson, P. A. (2023). Mapping glacier basal sliding applying machine learning. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. F, Earth surface, 128, 1–20.
- Alturki, S., Cohausz, L. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2022). Predicting master’s students’ academic performance: An empirical study in Germany. Smart Learning Environments, 9, 1–22.
- Alturki, S., Hulpus, I. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2022). Predicting academic outcomes: A survey from 2007 till 2018. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 27, 275–307.
- Alturki, S. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2022). Assessing students' self-assessment ability in an interdisciplinary domain. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education : JARHE, 14, 1449-1466.
- Burzlaff, F., Wilken, N., Bartelt, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2022). Semantic interoperability methods for smart service systems: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management : EM, 69, 4052-4066.
- Cohausz, L. (2022). When probabilities are not enough – A framework for causal explanations of student success models. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 14, 52–75.
- Marton, S., Lüdtke, S. and Bartelt, C. (2022). Explanations for neural networks by neural networks. Applied Sciences, 12, 1–14.
- Niemann, F., Lüdtke, S., Bartelt, C. and Ten Hompel, M. (2022). Context-aware human activity recognition in industrial processes. Sensors, 22, 1–14.
- Sola, D., der Aa, H., Meilicke, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2022). Exploiting Label Semantics For Rule-Based Activity Recommendation In Business Process Modeling. Information Systems : IS, 108.
- Teipel, S., Amaefule, C. O., Lüdtke, S., Görß, D., Faraza, S., Bruhn, S. and Kirste, T. (2022). Prediction of disorientation by accelerometric and gait features in young and older adults navigating in a virtually enriched environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1–14.
- Alhersh, T., Stuckenschmidt, H., Rehman, A. U. and Brahim Belhaouari, S. (2021). Learning human activity from visual data using deep learning. IEEE Access, 9, 106245-106253.
- Alturki, S. and Alturki, N. (2021). Using educational data mining to predict students' academic performance for applying early interventions. Journal of Information Technology Education : JITE. Innovations in Practice : IIP, 20, 121–137.
- Civitarese, G., Sztyler, T., Riboni, D., Bettini, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2021). POLARIS: Probabilistic and ontological activity recognition in smart-homes. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering : TKDE, 33, 209–223.
- Frendo, O., Gaertner, N. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2021). Open source algorithm for smart charging of electric vehicle fleets. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17, 6014-6022.
- Frendo, O., Gärtner, N. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2021). Improving smart charging prioritization by predicting electric vehicle departure time. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22, 6646-6653.
- Huber, J. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2021). Intraday shelf replenishment decision support for perishable goods. International Journal of Production Economics, 231, 1–14.
- Schäfer, B., Keuper, M. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2021). Arrow R-CNN for handwritten diagram recognition. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition : IJDAR, 24, 3–17.
- Becker, M., Hulpus, I., Opitz, J., Paul, D., Kobbe, J., Stuckenschmidt, H. and Frank, A. (2020). Explaining arguments with background knowledge : Towards knowledge-based argumentation analysis. Datenbank-Spektrum, 20, 131–141.
- Frendo, O., Graf, J., Gärtner, N. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2020). Data-driven smart charging for heterogeneous electric vehicle fleets. Energy and AI, 1, 1–13.
- Huber, J. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2020). Daily retail demand forecasting using machine learning with emphasis on calendric special days. International Journal of Forecasting, 36, 1420-1438.
- Theil, C. K., Štajner, S. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2020). Explaining financial uncertainty through specialized word embeddings.
IMS Transactions on Data Science : TDS, 1, Article 6, 1–19.
- Betz, P., Galarraga, L., Ott, S., Meilicke, C., Suchanek, F. M. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). PyClause – Simple and efficient rule handling for knowledge graphs. In , Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Demo Track : Jeju, 03–09 August 2024 (S. 1–3). tba, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence: Jeju, South Korea.
- Betz, P., Lüdtke, S., Meilicke, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Rule Confidence Aggregation for Knowledge Graph Completion. In , Rules and reasoning : 8th International Joint Conferrence, RuleML+RR 2024, Rucharest, Romania, September 16–18, 2024, Proceedings (S. 1–1). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer: Berlin [u.a.].
- Cohausz, L., Kappenberger, J. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Combining fairness and causal graphs to advance both. In , Fairness and Bias in AI : Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Fairness and Bias in AI, co-located with 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024) (S. 1–14). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, RWTH Aachen: Aachen, Germany.
- Cohausz, L., Kappenberger, J. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). What fairness metrics can really tell you: A case study in the educational domain. In , LAK'24: Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (S. 792–799). , Association for Computing Machinery: Kyoto, Japan.
- Dieing, T. I., Scheffler, M. and Cohausz, L. (2024). Enhancing chatbot-assisted study program orientation. In , Workshopband der 22. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI) : 09.09.-11.09.2024, Fulda, Deutschland (S. 223–232). , Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): Bonn.
- Gastinger, J., Meilicke, C., Errica, F., Sztyler, T., Schuelke, A. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). History repeats itself: A Baseline for Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting. In , Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Demo Track : Jeju, 03–09 August 2024 (S. ). , International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence: Jeju, South Korea.
- Karvonen, A., Wright, B., Rager, C., Angell, R., Brinkmann, J., Smith, L. R., Verdun, C. M., Bau, D. and Marks, S. (2024). Measuring progress in dictionary learning for language model interpretability with board game models. In , ICML 2024 Workshop on Mechanistic Interpretability (S. 1–17). , OpenReview: .
- Keil, M. (2024). AI-supported UI design for enhanced development of neurodiverse-friendly IT-systems. In , NordDesign 2024. Proceedings (S. 1–10). , The Design Society: .
- Kolthoff, K., Bartelt, C., Ponzetto, S. P. and Schneider, K. (2024). Self-elicitation of requirements with automated GUI prototyping.
In , Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/
ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering : ASE 2024 : October 28 – November 1, 2024, Sacramento, California, USA (S. 2354-2357). , IEEE/ ACM: Sacramento, CA, USA. - Kolthoff, K., Kretzer, F., Bartelt, C., Maedche, A. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2024). Interlinking user stories and GUI prototyping: A semi-automatic LLM-based approach. In , 2024 IEEE 32nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) (S. 1–9). , IEEE: Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Marton, S., Lüdtke, S., Bartelt, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). GRANDE: Gradient-Based Decision Tree Ensembles for tabular data. In , International Conference on Learning Representations (S. 1–27). , .
- Marton, S., Lüdtke, S., Bartelt, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). GradTree: Learning axis-aligned decision trees with gradient descent. In , Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (S. 14323-14331). , AAAI Press: Washington, DC.
- Oesterle, M., Grams, T. and Bartelt, C. (2024). DRAMA at the PettingZoo: Dynamically restricted action spaces for multi-agent reinforcement learning frameworks. In , Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, Hawaii, USA, January 3–6, 2024 (S. 7810-7819). , Department of IT-Management, Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii: Honolulu, HI.
- Oesterle, M., Grams, T., Bartelt, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). RAISE the bar: Restriction of action spaces for improved social welfare and equity in traffic management. In , Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (S. 1492-1500). , International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Richland, SC.
- Rana, A., Oesterle, M. and Brinkmann, J. (2024). GOV-REK: Governed Reward Engineering Kernels for designing robust multi-agent reinforcement learning systems. In , AAMAS '24: proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (S. 2429-2431). , International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Richland, SC.
- Scheffler, M., Dieing, T. I. and Cohausz, L. (2024). Developing a personalized study program recommender. In , Workshopband der 22. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI) : 9.-11. September 2024, Fulda, Deutschland (S. 233–240). , Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): Bonn.
- Tschalzev, A., Marton, S., Lüdtke, S., Bartelt, C. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). A data-centric perspective on evaluating machine learning models for tabular data. In , The Thirty-eight Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track (S. 1–35). , NeurIPS: Vancouver, BC.
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