Data Mining (HWS2024)

The course provides an introduction to advanced data analysis techniques as a basis for analyzing business data and providing input for decision support systems. The course will cover the following topics:

  • The Data Mining Process
  • Data Representation and Preprocessing
  • Clustering
  • Classification
  • Regression
  • Association Analysis

The course consists of a lecture together with accompanying practical exercises as well as student team projects.  In the exercises the participants will gather initial expertise in applying state of the art data mining libraries on realistic data sets. The team projects take place in the last third of the term. Within the projects, groups of students realize more sophisticated data mining projects of personal choice and report about the results of their projects in the form of a written report as well as an oral presentation.

Outline and Course Materials

WeekMonday (Lecture)Thursday (Exercise)

no lecture

Introduction to Python (13:45–15:15)
09.09.2024Introduction to Data MiningIntro
16.09.2024Classification 1Classification 1
23.09.2024Classification 2Classification 2
30.09.2024Introduction to the student projects (see Ilias)Public holiday
07.10.2024Regression Regression
14.10.2024 PreprocessingPreprocessing
21.10.2024Feedback on project outlinesProject Work
28.10.2024Clustering and AnomaliesClustering
04.11.2024Association Analysis and Subgroup DiscoveryAssociation Analysis
11.11.2024Project feedback sessionProject Work
18.11.2024Project feedback sessionProject Work
25.11.2024Project feedback sessionProject Work
02.12.2024Project PresentationsProject Presentations

Important dates for the student projects:

  • Sunday, October, 13th, 23:59: Submission of project outlines
  • Sunday, December 8th, 23:59: Submission of final project reports

For all students which are not familiar with Python/Jupyter Notebooks, we offer an introduction on Thursday, 5 September 2024 between 13:45 and 15:15 in exercise room D007 (2)  Building B6,27 Part D (in the backyard of  B6, 23 Part A).