Chair of Information Systems V: Web-based Systems
Universität Mannheim
B6, 26, Room B 1.15
D-68159 Mannheim
Email: christian.bizer (at)
Phone: +49 621 181 2677
Christian Bizer explores technical and empirical questions concerning the development of global, decentralized information environments. His current research focus is the evolution of the World Wide Web from a medium for the publication of documents into a global dataspace. Christian Bizer initialized the W3C Linking Open Data community effort which is interlinking large numbers of data sources on the Web. He co-founded the DBpedia project which derives a comprehensive knowledge base from Wikipedia. He also initialized the WebDataCommons project which monitors the adoption of, RDFa, JSON-LD, Microdata, and Microformats on the Web by analysing large Web crawls. His technical research focuses on the integration of data from large numbers of Web data sources and includes topics such as information extraction, identity resolution, schema matching, data fusion, and data search. Christian Bizer holds an appointment as full professor at the University of Mannheim, where he leads the Focus Group Web-based Systems of the Data and Web Science Group. Before moving to Mannheim, he headed the Web-based Systems Group at Freie Universität Berlin.
Research Interests
This section links to abstracts and slidesets of recent talks. Additional slidesets from older talks are found at Slideshare. Some of the talks have been recorded and the videos are found on
Google Scholar gives an idea which of my papers are highly cited. DBLP and Semantic Scholar maintain further lists of my publications.
Christian Bizer teaches in the following degree programs:
Lecture Videos
Videos and screen casts covering all of Christian Bizer's master courses are available on the DWS video lecture page.
Bachelor and Master Thesis
My group and I constantly offer master and bachelor thesis topics in relation to our research as well as the current focus of our seminar. We are also open to students proposing their own topics as well as to master theses written in cooperation with companies. Please send us an application according to the DWS thesis guidelines if you are interested in writing a bachelor or master thesis with us.