Prof. Dr. Paul Swoboda

Alumni Junior Professor in Computer Vision
Universität Mannheim
B6, 26, Room B 1.16
D-68159 Mannheim
Paul Swoboda is a Junior Professor in the Data and Web Science Group at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics of the University of Mannheim. Before that, he was a research group leader at the Max-Planck institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken. Before that he worked as a PostDoc in the group of Prof. Vladimir Kolmogorov at IST Austria. He received a PhD degree from the from University of Heidelberg, supervised by Prof. Christoph Schnörr.
Prof. Paul Swoboda currently holds a junior professorship in Computer Vision. His research focuses on the development of optimization algorithms for structured prediction problem and on competing on standard computer vision tasks including tracking, segmentation and correspondence problems.
Research Interests
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- {Convex|Combinatorial} Optimization
Check out the publication lists on my personal webpage or at google scholar.
Bachelor and Master Thesis
I offer master and bachelor thesis topics in relation to my research interests and teaching subjects and am also open to students proposing their own topics as well as to master theses written in cooperation with companies. If you are interested, feel free to inquire about the possibilities by following the DWS thesis guidelines.