Daniel Ruffinelli


Email: d r u f f i n e l l i (at) uni-mannheim.de

(Feel free to insist if I do not reply to your email quickly enough)

B6, 26 Room C 106

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I am a PostDoc working on Natural Language Processing with Prof. Dr. Simone Ponzetto. Prior to this, I did a PhD on learning representations of knowledge graphs with Prof. Dr. Rainer Gemulla.

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Representation learning
  • Machine learning


Selected Publications

  • H. Widjaja, K. Gashteovski, W. B. Rim, P. Liu, C. Malon, D. Ruffinelli, C. Lawrence, G. Neubig
    KGxBoard: Explainable and Interactive Leaderboard for Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Completion Models
    In EMNLP, 2022 (demo paper)
  • D. Ruffinelli, S. Broscheit, R. Gemulla
    You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks! On Training Knowledge Graph Embeddings
    In ICLR, 2020
  • Y. Wang, D. Ruffinelli, R. Gemulla, S. Broscheit, C. Meilicke
    On Evaluating Embedding Models for Knowledge Base Completion (Outstanding Paper)
    In RepL4NLP@ACL (workshop), 2019
  • C. Meilicke, M. W. Chekol, D. Ruffinelli, H. Stuckenschmidt
    Anytime Bottom-up Rule Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion
    In IJCAI, 2019
  • C. Meilicke, M. Fink, Y. Wang, D. Ruffinelli, R. Gemulla, H. Stuckenschmidt
    Fine-grained Evaluation of Rule- and Embedding-based Systems for Knowledge Graph Completion
    In ISWC, 2018