Compute Resources for Students
This page gives an overview of the compute resources that can be used by students of the University of Mannheim for performing large-scale computations in the context of their studies, e.g. for team projects or master theses. Please try first to run the computation on your private machine and only employ the resources listed below if this turns out to be unfeasible.
Large-Scale Data Processing
If you have to process large amounts of data or have to do time consuming computations, you can use the bwHPC.
The bwUniCluster can be used by students for free. You only have to give a short project description. The available nodes and their hardware configurations are listed in the wiki.
GPU Computations
The bwUniCluster also offers several machines that are equipped with NVIDIA GPUs. They can be used to compute with cuda. Information about using the GPUs is found at bwUniCluster-Wiki. And there is also the option to use the GPUs with JupyterLab: bwUniCluster-JupyterLab
Dedicated Linux Machine
When you have to develop an application and have to put it online, or you simply need a linux machine for specific tasks,
you can use bwCloud. This is possible for students too. GPUs can not be used in bwCloud so far.
Other Requirements
In case bwHPC or bwCloud is not sufficient for your needs, there is also the possibility to use local hardware. This should be the last fallback option, because the resources are quite limited. For this, ask your supervisor or professor for further information.