Web Mining (FSS2024)

The vast amounts of textual content and structured data found on the Web provide us with a goldmine of data that can be mined to derive knowledge about nearly every aspect of human life. The course covers techniques for extracting knowledge from Web content as a basis for business decisions and applications. The course will cover, among others, the following topics:

  • Web Usage Mining (including Recommender Systems)
  • Web Structure Mining (including Social Network Analysis)
  • Web Content Mining (including Sentiment Analysis and Hate Speech Detection)

The course consists of a lecture as well as accompanying practical projects. The lecture (IE671) covers the theory and methods of web mining and is concluded by a written exam (3 ECTS). In the projects (IE684), students will gain experience with web mining methods by applying them within a real-world use case of their choice. Students will work on their projects in teams and will report the results of their projects in the form of a written report as well as an oral presentation (together 3 ECTS). While the lecture and the project can be attended in seperate years, it is highly recommended to attend both in the same semester as the schedule of the lecture and project are aligned to each other.

Exam Review

The exam review for FSS2024 will take place on Wednesday, September 25th 2024 at 11 am.

You have to register for the exam review by sending a mail to Alexander Brinkmann until Friday, September 21st 2024.

Time and Location

  • Start: 13.2.2024
  • Tuesday, 10:15 to 11:45, B6 A101.
  • Thursday, 13:45 to 15:15, B6 A203.

Final mark

  • 100% written exam (IE671)
  • 100% project work (IE684)

Outline and Slidesets

WeekLecture (Tuesday 10:15–11:45)Exercise (Thursday 13:45–15:15)
13.02.2024Introduction and Course Outline -
20.02.2024Web Usage Mining – Part I (Bizer)Web Usage Mining – Part I
27.02.2024Web Usage Mining – Part II (Bizer)Web Usage Mining – Part II
05.03.2024Web Content Mining – Part I (Ponzetto)Web Content Mining- Part I
12.03.2024Web Content Mining – Part II (Ponzetto)Web Content Mining – Part II
19.03.2024Introduction to the Student ProjectsPreparation of project outlines
 - Easter break - 
09.04.2024Web Structure Mining – Part I  (Bizer)Web Structure Mining – Part I
16.04.2024Web Structure Mining – Part II (Bizer)Web Structure Mining – Part II
23.04.2024Project workProject work
30.04.2024Project workCoaching
07.05.2024Project workCoaching
14.05.2024Project workCoaching
21.05.2024Project presentations-
07.06.2024Final exam (preparation) -

Lecture Videos