Amirhossein Kardoost


University of Mannheim
B6, 26, Room B 011
D-68159 Mannheim

Email: kardoost (at)

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the focus group of Computer Vision in the Data and Web Science Group. I am supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Margret Keuper

Research Interests

  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
  • Image and Video Segmentation
  • Alignment of Electron Microscopy Images



Solving Minimum Cost Lifted Multicut Problems by Node Agglomeration

Amirhossein Kardoost and Margret Keuper

ACCV 2018, 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2018 (Accepted/in press)


Object Segmentation Tracking from Generic Video Cues

Amirhossein Kardoost, Sabine Müller, Joachim Weickert and Margret Keuper

ICPR 2020, 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2020 (Accepted)


Self-supervised Sparse to Dense Motion Segmentation

Amirhossein Kardoost, Kalun Ho, Peter Ochs, Margret Keuper

ACCV 2020, 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2020 (Accepted)


A Two-Stage Minimum Cost Multicut Approach to Self-Supervised Multiple Person Tracking

Kalun Ho, Amirhossein Kardoost, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Janis Keuper, Margret Keuper

ACCV 2020, 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2020 (Accepted)




ECCV 2020, CVPR 2019, CVPR 2018, ECCV 2018, GCPR 2018



BMVC 2020