Student Financing
Cost of Living
Compared to other larger cities in Germany, living in Mannheim is relatively affordable. You should plan for a monthly budget of around EUR 850 to EUR 1,000 which includes EUR 250 to 450 for rent, approximately EUR 60 to 200 for health insurance (depending on your specific situation and insurer), with the rest allocated for necessities (groceries, clothing, etc.). Naturally, your monthly expenses will vary depending on your lifestyle. Additionally, studying at the GESS is free of tuition fees.
For more information on housing, including flat hunting, rent prices, and neighborhoods, please visit the university's website on living in Mannheim.
The GESS is committed to financing doctoral students' research activities, including funding through scholarships. Admitted students are guaranteed three to five years of funding depending on their chosen program and their academic performance. Furthermore, doctoral students with children receive additional financial support.
The GESS administers and provides an extensive range of scholarships (around EUR 16,000 per year):
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Fontana-Foundation (private donor)
- Funding program for the promotion of postgraduates of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landesgraduiertenförderung, LGF)
- Land of Baden-Württemberg
- University of Mannheim Foundation
- Matching funds (private donors)
Financial assistance and scholarships are subject to the existing provisions and guidelines of the respective funding body and scholarship program.
Additional funding
- Completion scholarships
- Funding for research stays abroad for periods between 3 to 6 months
- Funding for scientific experiments
- Comprehensive travel support
- Awards