The CDSB Doctoral Student Awards
Each year, the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business honors its doctoral students through the CDSB Doctoral Student Awards. The awards draw attention to outstanding doctoral student achievements in areas such as research, academic performance, publications, and teaching engagements.
Best Paper Award
To honor an outstanding paper that was accepted or has received an invitation for a resubmission in a peer reviewed journal.
The 2024 winners are
Vincent Giese and Clemens Lauer for their paper “Former Executives as Supervisors: Conflicts of Interest and Accounting Discretion”.
Award for Interdisciplinarity
To recognize outstanding performances and innovative projects of doctoral students in business that foster interdisciplinarity.
The 2024 winners are
Johannes Gaul and Thomas Simonfor their work “Invitation Messages for Business Surveys. A Multi-Armed Bandit Experiment“.
Teaching Award
To honor the contributions of CDSB doctoral students to teaching and learning at the Business School and acknowledge the substantial contributions doctoral students make towards it.
The 2024 winner is
Sven Vahlpahl for his course 'Python in Finance' held at the University of Mannheim in the academic year 2023/