First year University of Mannheim political science, psychology and sociology MA students are invited to apply for CDSS Associate Member status.
The membership is open to MA students who wish to undertake research with the intention of proceeding to a doctorate at the GESS. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to join GESS graduate-level courses during their membership year and profit from a research and conference budget of €100 for attending e.g. summer schools or conferences.
You must be a first year University of Mannheim MA student in political science, psychology, or sociology with a grade point average of at least 2.0 and a demonstrable wish to pursue a doctorate in one of these subjects to apply for CDSS Associate Member status.
Please submit your application documents as a single PDF file via e-mail to You're welcome to send an application from April of any given year, this must contain:
Application deadline: June 15 of any given year
Nota bene: CDSS Associate Members are not automatically guaranteed a place in the CDSS doctoral program. You must apply to join the CDSS after the completion of your master's degree. Courses attended during the membership year will be credited against CDSS course requirements.