All doctoral candidates must enroll at the University of Mannheim due to the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG). *
Please submit the following documents
- Completed enrollment application form
- Confirmation of admission at the GESS
- Signed Milestones (doctoral advising agreement)
- If applicable, copy of your current employment contract
- Copy of your university entrance qualification i.e. secondary-school examination certificate e.g. 'Abitur', 'baccalaureate' etc. (only if you are not already enrolled at the University of Mannheim)
- Copy of your degree certificates i.e. Bachelor and Master (only if you did not obtain the degree at the University of Mannheim)
- ID card/
passport (incl. visa)
Semester fees currently amountof 169 Euro and must be paid after you have obtained a student ID number. Doctoral candidates pay no tuition fees. Transfer the fees stating your student ID and name as reference to the following bank account:
Universität Mannheim
Baden-Württembergische Bank / LBBW
IBAN: DE23 6005 0101 0001 3792 73
Subject: First Name, Last Name and „Neueinschreibung Herbstsemester 202x“
Information and submission of documents
Please submit your documents to:
Johanna Fatokun
L 1, 1, Room 326
Phone: +49 621 181-1283
E-mail: johanna.fatokun uni-mannheim.de
Office hours:
Mon-Thu 9 am – 11 am
Please note
* Doctoral candidates employed by the University of Mannheim on work contracts of 50% or more (based on a full time position and according to the Collective Agreement for Public Service Employees of the German Länder (TV-L)) have the possibility to choose whether to enroll or be exempted from enrollment.
- If you would like to be exempted from enrollment, please contact Johanna Fatokun to obtain form 'Exemption from obligation to enroll'. You must inform her about any changes to your work contract immediately.
- If you would like to enroll, please submit the required documents and follow the procedure as set out above.