A young woman is asking herself questions and next to her a question marks.


Frequently asked questions regarding our application process.

Before you apply

Application materials

Letters of recommendation and troubleshooting

Invited for interview? (CDSS only)

  • I am one of the shortlisted candidates invited for an interview with a potential supervisor. Apart from the scientific fit of my research with the supervisor, what other points should I consider?

    The first meeting with a potential new supervisor can be stressful and it's important to prepare for it as you would for any job interview. Take the time to have a look at the person’s web page as you might find some answers already there.

    There is no fixed format, and every supervisor will have their unique interview style. Many questions will most surely revolve around research, but the interview doesn't just serve the supervisor to interview potential doctoral candidates. It is also your opportunity to interview the professor in order to find out if you are both a good fit for each other.

    Consider asking some of the following (list not exhaustive):

    What opportunities do I have to learn by active involvement in your projects?

    How would you describe your supervision style?

    How often do you meet with your doctoral students?

    How many doctoral students are you currently supervising?

    How many years does a dissertation project normally take?

    At how many academic conferences do doctoral students, on average, present?

    Where does your team typically aim to publish their research, especially the doctoral research in your team?

    I would be interested in contacting a couple of doctoral students at your chair, how can this be organized?

    Ask the questions based on your expectations e.g., do you prefer a more 'hands-off' supervision, or rather weekly meetings? This is important in order to find out if your expectations match those of the potential supervisor.

  • I've received an offer, but no interview was held. How can I find out more about the position on offer?

    Some supervisors might extend offers based only on the application without holding an interview. If you know the professor already and are happy with the offer, then you are in a great position.

    If this is not the case, consider getting in contact with the potential supervisor asking for a brief meeting if you feel that otherwise you wouldn't be able to make an informed decision.