All doctoral candidates must enroll at the University of Mannheim due to the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG). *
Semester fees currently amount of 169 Euro and must be paid after you have obtained a student ID number. Doctoral candidates pay no tuition fees. Transfer the fees stating your student ID and name as reference to the following bank account:
Universität Mannheim
Baden-Württembergische Bank / LBBW
IBAN: DE23 6005 0101 0001 3792 73
Subject: First Name, Last Name and „Neueinschreibung Herbstsemester 202x“
Please submit your documents to:
Johanna Fatokun
L 1, 1, Room 326
Phone: +49 621 181-1283
E-mail: johanna.fatokun
Office hours:
Mon-Thu 9 am – 11 am
* Doctoral candidates employed by the University of Mannheim on work contracts of 50% or more (based on a full time position and according to the Collective Agreement for Public Service Employees of the German Länder (TV-L)) have the possibility to choose whether to enroll or be exempted from enrollment.