Two people reading in the yard of the university building B6

Center for Doctoral Studies in Business

The Center for Doctoral Studies in Business (CDSB) administers the doctoral program at the Business School of the University of Mannheim, which is triple accredited by AACSB, EFDM (EQUIS) and AMBA.


AccountingFinanceInformation SystemsManagement

MarketingOperations ManagementTaxation

    The woman is wearing her blond hair down and is smiling

    I am deeply grateful for the exciting educational journey that was my time in the PhD program at the GESS of the University of Mannheim. The program exposed me to quantitative research methods and cutting-edge research through a rigorous, structured curriculum and an international seminar series. This exposure helped spark my own research ideas and set me up to execute them successfully. The program helped expand my academic network through international conference visits and research stays, and the open-minded support of the faculty allowed me to explore my research interests and fostered my independence. The collaborative, friendly atmosphere among fellow students and all faculty members enriched my experience. Looking back, the GESS doctoral program was instrumental in pursuing a career in academia as it provided comprehensive training, networking opportunities, and a supportive community. I cherish these experiences!

    Dr. Patricia Breuer, alumna of our Accounting Program and currently Assisant Professor of Accounting at Erasmus School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam / Credit: PicturePeople

    CDSB graduates of the program have published in top academic journals, e.g.:

    • Journal of Financial Economics
    • Review of Financial Studies
    • Management Science

    Our alumni have obtained academic positions at top departments worldwide, e.g.:

    • Tilburg University
    • University of St. Gallen
    • Erasmus University Rotterdam
    • University of Warwick
    • University of Michigan
    • The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
    Icon Doktorhut

    Alumni placements

    Detailed placement information are available in the CDSB placement section.