Two women are holding a globe. The one on the left is pointing at Mannheim and the one on the right is pointing at a country in the Near East.

European Network for Training in Economic Research (ENTER)

The CDSE offers students the opportunity to do part of their doctoral studies abroad at a partner university as part of the ENTER program. The European Network for Training in Economic Research is a joint initiative of top departments and schools for economics at the following universities:

ENTER Programs

  • ENTER longterm exchanges

    There are visiting research fellowships available at the nodes of ENTER. The fellowships are for PhD-students who desire to obtain graduate education, or training in research, in economics and its applications at one of the ENTER-nodes. The typical duration of such a stay is one or two semesters during the third or fourth year at the CDSE. The stays are organized within the ENTER network and can be financed upon merit by the network via the CDSE. Selection will be exclusively based on academic excellence. Successful applicants will be treated by the hosting institutions as if they were “regular” PhD-students there.

  • ENTER exchange seminars

    The ENTER exchange seminar series offers selected students in an advanced stage of their dissertation the possibility to present their work in research seminars at any of the participating universities during a short term stay. The CDSE seminar in Mannheim regularly hosts two to three external speakers from within the ENTER network every semester.

  • ENTER jamboree

    ENTER jamborees take place at the beginning of each year (March/April). They serve

    1. to expose the PhD students to conference format presentations and discussions within a more intimate context than at a large conference
    2. to foster the interaction between students and faculty of the different networks, towards student and faculty visits and exchange
    3. to co-ordinate the programs.

    The slots available for CDSE students by the ENTER coordinator according to a student's academic standing and his/her participation in the CDSE seminar and ENTER related activities (act as discussant for incoming ENTER speakers etc.).

ENTER coordinator

Prof. Nicolas Schutz, Ph.D.

Prof. Nicolas Schutz, Ph.D.

Professor Empirical Economics
University of Mannheim
Department of Economics
L7, 3–5 – Room 321
68161 Mannheim