Daniela Steinbrenner
Year: 2015
Center: Business
Supervisor: Christoph Spengel
Daniela Steinbrenner was born in Germany in 1991. She acquired both her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. During the course of her undergraduate studies she spent one semester at the HEC Paris. Within her Master she laid a focus on Business Taxation and gained practical experiences with an internship at a tax consultancy. Besides her studies Daniela gathered first experiences in research as a student assistant at the Chair of “ABWL und betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre” of Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel. In September 2015 she joined the Graduate School of Economics and Social Science at the University of Mannheim.
WEI-ZEW Joint Workshop
Place: Mannheim, Germany
- Gaul, J., Gundert, H., Nikolay, K., Spengel, C., Spix, J., Steinbrenner, D., Weck, S. and Wickel, S. (2024). Deutschland im internationalen Steuerwettbewerb: Auswirkungen aktueller Reformansätze. Der Betrieb : DB, 77, 1158-1163.
- Gundert, H., Nicolay, K., Steinbrenner, D. and Wickel, S. (2024). The tax attractiveness of EU locations for corporate investments: A stocktaking of past developments and recent reforms. The Economists' Voice, 21, 97–132.
- Fischer, L., Heckemeyer, J. H., Spengel, C. and Steinbrenner, D. (2022). Tax policies in a transition to a knowledge-based economy: The effective tax burden of companies and highly skilled labour. Intertax : International Tax Review, 50, 286–321.
- Fischer, L., Steinbrenner, D. and Spengel, C. (2022). Steuerlicher Unterbietungswettbewerb hält an. ZEWNews, 2022, 4.
- Müller, J., Spengel, C. and Steinbrenner, D. (2022). European Union – IP box regimes and multinational enterprises: Does nexus pay off? World Tax Journal : WTJ, 14, 75–112.
- Spengel, C., Stage, B. and Steinbrenner, D. (2022). R&D Ttax incentive regimes – A comparison and evaluation of current country practices. World Tax Journal : WTJ, 14, 331–364.
- Gundert, H., Nicolay, K., Steinbrenner, D. and Wickel, S. (2023). The tax attractiveness of EU locations for corporate investments: A stocktaking of past developments and recent reforms. ZEW Discussion Papers, 23–066. Mannheim.
- Blandinières, F. and Steinbrenner, D. (2021). How does the evolution of R&D tax incentives schemes impacttheir effectiveness? Evidence from a meta-analysis. Mannheim.
- Fischer, L., Heckemeyer, J. H., Spengel, C. and Steinbrenner, D. (2021). Tax policies in a transition to a knowledge-based economy – the effective tax burden of companies and highly skilled labour. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–096. Mannheim.
- Blandinières, F., Steinbrenner, D. and Weiß, B. (2020). Which design works? A meta-regression analysis of the impacts of R&D tax incentives. ZEW Discussion Papers, 20–010. Mannheim.
- Müller, J. and Steinbrenner, D. (2021). Does nexus pay off? Implications of the modified nexus approach on effective tax burdens and tax planning strategies of multinational enterprises. Annual Congress of the IIPF, Reykjavik, Iceland, Online.
- Steinbrenner, D. (2022). The impact of R&D tax incentives on country’s location attractiveness and firm’s innovation activities. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Nicolay, K., Steinbrenner, D., Wölfing, N. and Spix, J. (2023). The effectiveness and distributional consequences of excess profit taxes or windfall taxes in light of the Commission's recommendation to Member States.
- Spengel, C., Nicolay, K., Werner, A.-C., Olbert, M., Steinbrenner, D., Schmidt, F. and Wolf, T. (2018). Steuerliche Standortattraktivität digitaler Geschäftsmodelle : Steuerlicher Digitalisierungsindex 2018.