Two people reading in the yard of the university building B6

Can Yilanci

Year: 2018

Center: Business

Supervisor: Erik Theissen

Can was born in Aachen, Germany. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from RWTH Aachen University in 2015. During his bachelor studies he spent one semester abroad at the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen.  After the completion of his bachelor’s degree he entered the Mannheim Master in Management, which he completed in 2018. He was awarded with the “Deutschlandstipendium” in 2013 and the CFA program scholarship by the Chair of Accounting and Capital Markets in 2017. During his master studies he worked as a student assistant at the Chair of Finance and at the Chair of International Finance. Moreover, Can gained first experience in empirical research during an internship at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). In addition, he interned in the research department of a large European investment bank.

Research interests:

  • Asset Pricing
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Intermediation




  • Theissen, E. and Yilanci, C. (2020). Momentum? What momentum? Köln: Universität Köln, Centre for Financial Research.


  • Theissen, E. and Yilanci, C. (2021). Momentum? What Momentum? 37th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Online.
  • Theissen, E. and Yilanci, C. (2021). Momentum? What momentum? 23rd Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF virtual conference), Online.
  • Yilanci, C. and Theissen, E. (2021). Momentum? What momentum? 27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Innsbruck, Austria.


Can Yilanci, M.Sc.

Can Yilanci, M.Sc.

PhD Student
University of Mannheim
Business School
L 9, 1–2 – Room 202
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-1526
Fax: +49 621 181-1519
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment