Two people reading in the yard of the university building B6

Mohammad Zenouzzadeh

Year: 2018

Center: Business

Supervisor: Raik Stolletz

Seyed Mohammad Zenouzzadeh was born in Iran, 1991. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Railway Operations & Management Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology, Teheran, Iran. Mohammad obtained his M.Sc. degree in Socio-economic Systems Engineering – Operations Research from the University of Tehran in 2014. During his bachelor's and master's, Mohammad worked as a teaching assistant in different courses including optimization models in transportation and advanced operations research.

Research interests:

  • Operations Management
Seyed Mohammad Zenouzzadeh, M.Sc.

Seyed Mohammad Zenouzzadeh, M.Sc.

Research Assistant at the Chair of Production Management
University of Mannheim
Schloss Schneckenhof Ost SO 229
68161 Mannheim