Leonie Gehrmann
Year: 2019
Center: Business
Supervisor: Florian Stahl
Leonie Gehrmann was born in Cincinnati, OH, USA. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Economics at the University of Mannheim, during which she spent a semester abroad in Bergen, Norway (NHH). After an internship at the market research and consumer trends department of the world’s largest insurance company, Leonie returned to Mannheim to acquire her Master’s Degree in Business Research (MMBR) with a focus on Marketing. During her studies, she worked as a teaching assistant for statistics courses and as a student research assistant at the Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics. As a PhD candidate at that chair, Leonie joined the Marketing Track of the Center of Doctoral Studies in Business in September 2019.
Research interests:
- Machine Learning Applications in Marketing
- Economics of Data
- Consumer Psychology
- Advertising Over Time