Sofia Navarro Baez
Year: 2020
Center: Social Sciences
Supervisor: Arndt Bröder
Sofia Navarro-Báez is a doctoral student at the CDSS. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) and a Master’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Sussex. During her Master studies, she collaborated as a student research assistant in the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science. In her Master’s thesis, she investigated unconscious reward learning and the influence of interoceptive cardiac signals on the learning process. Sofia is particularly interested in metacognition, the ability to reflect on our own thoughts and cognitions. She is working on the project “Metacognition viewed though the judgment lens”, which aims at understanding the basis of metacognitive judgments, provide better measures of metacognitive accuracy and find new ways to improve the metacognitive ability.