Fabian David Schmidt

University of Mannheim
B 6, 26 – Room C 1
D-68159 Mannheim
Email: fabian (at) informatik.uni-mannheim.de
I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Chair of Text Analytics for Interdisciplinary Research and supervised by Prof. Dr. Goran Glavaš. The chair is part of the Data and Web Science Group at the University of Mannheim.
Research Interests
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- Representation Learning for Multilingual & Low-Resource Cross-Lingual NLP
- Cross-Lingual Lexical and Distributional Semantics
- Information Retrieval
EU In Action: applying state-of-the-art natural language processing methods on political text to determine the drivers and explain mechanics of legislative changes at the European level by policy area in cooperation with University of Leiden and University of Strathcylde
- F. D. Schmidt, M. Dietsche, S. Ponzetto, G. Glavas
SEAGLE: A Platform for Comparative Evaluation of Semantic Encoders for Information Retrieval
In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations. pages 199–204, Hong Kong, 2019.