Giuliana Francesca Manganaro
Year: 2022
Center: Business
During her business studies with a focus on finance at the Goethe University (Frankfurt a.M.), Giuliana F. gained profound insights into the actions and organization of banks. Meanwhile, she assumed honorary responsibility for the initiative's financial budget as Chief Financial Officer at Founders Club. As a working student at KfW banking group, she supported the state development bank's work in organizing projects, departmental work, and business analysis. Through internships in Merge and Acquisition/
During her Master's degree, she gained insights into academic research by supporting the Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Research at the University of Mannheim. At the same time, she was able to build a team herself as Chief Executive Officer of the Mannheim Investment Club voluntarily. In her Master's thesis, she expanded her bachelor's thesis research on emotional and rational-theoretical financial allocation, including philosophical and psychological concepts; she then focused on behavioral anomalies in financial service sales. Her academic and practical findings guide Giuliana F.'s research interests in financial asset marketing, focusing on behavioral abnormalities.
Research interests:
- Behavioral Finance
- Choice optimization in interactions
- Self-awareness and imaging