Two doctoral students are walking out of the courtyard of the B6 building.

Johannes Gessner

Year: 2019

Center: Economics

Supervisor: Ulrich Wagner

Johannes was born in 1997 in Heidelberg, Germany. He received his bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Mannheim. During this time, he spent a semester abroad at San Diego State University in San Diego, California and did an internship in the department for Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management at the Leibniz-Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). In his bachelor thesis, he analysed characteristics of electric vehicle owners exploiting data from the German Travel Survey “Mobilität in Deutschland 2017”.

His main fields of interest are econometrics and environmental and resource economics. His hobbies are playing piano, riding bicycles and running.





Johannes Gessner

Johannes Gessner

Doctoral student
University of Mannheim
L 7, 3–5 – Room 210
68161 Mannheim