A group of student is talking and sitting on banks in the courtyard of B6, 30-32.

İrem Karaçay

Year: 2019

Center: Social Sciences

Supervisor: Irena Kogan

İrem Karaçay is a Ph.D. student in Sociology at the CDSS of the University of Mannheim and a research associate in the project PIONEERED (Pioneering Policies and Practices Tackling Educational Inequalities in Europe) at the MZES. She holds a master’s degree in Social Sciences from the Carlos III University of Madrid – Juan March Institute of Social Sciences. During her studies in Madrid, she worked as a research assistant at the D-Lab (Discrimination and Inequality Lab) of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Here, she participated in a field experiment focusing on phenotype-based discrimination in the labor market in Spain. Her academic interests include migration, ethnic discrimination, sociology of language, sociolinguistics, and sociology of education. In addition, she is an attorney-at-law registered to Istanbul Bar Association.

For her doctoral research, Irem has started the project MULTITUDE (Multiple Languages Brought from Turkey to Germany), which explores the linguistic attitudes of Turkey-origin immigrants with diverse linguistic backgrounds in Germany. In 2021, she has won the GESS Young Scholar Award in the Social Sciences for her project.

Irem Karacay

Irem Karacay

Academic Staff Member
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6 – Room A 106
68159 Mannheim