A group of student is talking and sitting on banks in the courtyard of B6, 30-32.

Katharina Siebenhaar

Year: 2019

Center: Social Sciences

E-Mail: ksiebenhmail-mail.uni-mannheim.de

Supervisor: Georg W. Alpers

Katharina Siebenhaar holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Neuro- and Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Freiburg. During her undergraduate studies she worked as a tutor in Biological Psychology and Statistics. Katharina wrote both her Bachelor’s (2017) and Master’s thesis (2019) at the Chair of Clinical and Biological Psychology and Psychotherapy at the University of Mannheim, where she conducted experiments investigating the influence of perceived control and threat on decision-making.

Her research interests are the influence of emotions on decision-making and the implications of digitalization on health decisions. In her doctoral degree, Katharina is working on the interdisciplinary “Digitalization in Dialogue” project, which aims to identify and analyse the consequences of digitalization on individuals and resulting social changes.





  • Siebenhaar, K. U. & Alpers, G. W. (2020). Risk-taking under threat: Women remain hesitant when men become bold. In G. W. Alpers (eds.), Grundlagen- und Psychotherapieforschung Hand in Hand – trotz Social Distancing : eingereichte Abstracts für das verschobene 38. Fachgruppensymposium Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2020 (S. 123–124). , Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie, Biologische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Universität Mannheim: Mannheim.



Katharina Siebenhaar, M.Sc.

Katharina Siebenhaar, M.Sc.

Doctoral Candidate
* If possible, please contact us exclusively via your university mail.
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
L 13, 15–17 – Room 210
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment