Anna Sokolova
Year: 2020
Center: Social Sciences
Supervisor: Thomas Gautschi
Anna Sokolova obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, specializing in Economic Sociology, at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. She then completed a Research Master in Sociology and Social Research at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. In Moscow, Anna worked as a research assistant at the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology, focusing on projects in sociology of medicine and healthcare, and as a teaching assistant at the Department of Sociology.
In her master thesis Anna develops game-theoretic models of investments in dyadic and institutional embeddedness and tests their predictions with the data collected from a laboratory experiment. During her research internship at Utrecht University, Anna worked on a project that investigates how network structure of online marketplace communities affects cooperative behavior of sellers in these communities. For this purpose, textual and network data were collected from a social networking site.
Anna’s interests include economic and analytical sociology, social networks, trust and cooperation. She is interested in experimental methods in sociology, formal theoretical modelling, and network analysis.
- Gereke, J., Hellyer, J., Behnert, J., Exner, S., Herbel, A., Jäger, F., Lajic, D., Mezenský, ., Ngoc Anh, V., Ogłaza, T., Schabinger, J., Sokolova, A., Szafran, D., Tirolf, N., Veit, S. & Zhang, N. (2022). Demographic change and group boundaries in Germany : The effect of projected demographic decline on perceptions of who has a migration background. Sociological Science, 9(Article 9), 206–220.