Linda Stürmlinger
Year: 2020
Center: Social Sciences
Supervisor: Anna-Lena Zietlow / Georg W. Alpers
Linda Stürmlinger obtained her Bachelor´s degree in Psychology at the University of Mannheim. For her Master´s degree she studied clinical and developmental Psychology at the University of Heidelberg. During her studies she gained experiences in clinical psychological research as a research assistant at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim. There she worked in the GRK 2350, an interdisciplinary graduate school focusing on the neurobiological, somatic and psychosocial effects of traumatic childhood experiences.
She is now a PhD student in Psychology (CDSS) at the Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Mannheim. Her research interests are the influences of early childhood experiences on child development with special focus on psychopathology.
- Ray, J. K., Stürmlinger, L. L., von Krause, M., Lux, U. & Zietlow, A.-L. (2023). Disentangling the trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms and partnership problems in the transition to parenthood and their impact on child adjustment difficulties. Development and Psychopathology : D&P, 1–16.
- Gallinat, C., Stürmlinger, L. L., Schaber, S. & Bauer, S. (2021). Pathological skin picking: Phenomenology and associations with emotions, self-esteem, body image, and subjective physical well-being. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12(Article 732717), 1–9.