Franziska Schäfer
Year: 2022
Center: Social Sciences
Franziska Schäfer is a Ph.D. candidate in Psychology at the CDSS. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Mannheim and specialized in a Master’s program in Cognitive Psychology at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena.
Since early in her Bachelor's studies, Franziska worked as a research assistant in projects on metacognition and metamemory, where she became interested in understanding how people assess their memory and learning. In her master thesis, she examined how indirect measurement approaches might help to understand the role of beliefs in forming judgments about one’s future memory performance.
Franziska is interested in metamemory and metacognition and their relation to memory and self-regulated learning. In her Ph.D. studies, she examines self-assessments of one’s cognitions, their relevance under applied conditions, and processes that contribute to metamemory and to the effects of metamemory on memory and learning.