A group of student is talking and sitting on banks in the courtyard of B6, 30-32.

Julius Diener

Year: 2023

Center: Social Sciences

Julius Diener is a doctoral candidate at the CDSS and a research associate at the Chair of Political Science, Comparative Government. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and history and a master’s degree in political science both from the University of Mannheim. During his graduate studies Julius worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Political Science, Empirical Democracy Research on multiple projects regarding political communication.

In his master’s thesis, Julius studied the interruption behaviour of members of the German National Parliament. Methodologically, he is especially interested in quantitative methodology, the computational analysis of text- and audio-data as well as bayes nets. Julius’ substantial research combines comparative politics, political communication and representation: specifically how the parliamentary behaviour of politicians is influenced by their personal characteristics and how politicians as individuals interact with each other.

Julius Felix Diener, M.A.

Julius Felix Diener, M.A.

Academic staff member
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building A – Room 340
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
On appointment