A group of student is talking and sitting on banks in the courtyard of B6, 30-32.

Malena Ullrich

Year: 2024

Center: Social Sciences

Malena Ullrich is a doctoral candidate in political science at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS). She holds a master’s degree in european affairs from Sciences Po Paris, where she specialized in social policy and social innovation, and a BSc from the University of Rotterdam. Her master's thesis investigated the impact of repeated exposure to natural disasters on social and environmental policy attitudes. Malena's research interests include policy attitudes, political behaviour, and quantitative methods.

Malena Carlotta Ullrich, M.A.

Malena Carlotta Ullrich, M.A.

Academic Staff Member
University of Mannheim
Chair of Political Science, Political Psychology
A 5, 6 – Room A 313
68159 Mannheim