Sophia Hamdorf
Year: 2024
Center: Social Sciences
Sophia Hamdorf is a doctoral candidate at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS). She completed her bachelor’s degree in sociology with a minor in media studies at the University of Tübingen and her master’s degree in sociology at the University of Mannheim. During her studies, she spent a semester abroad at Utrecht University. Sophia worked as a student research assistant at the University of Mannheim (Chair of Macrosociology), the University of Bamberg (Chair of Sociology, especially Family and Work), and GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (Team Family Surveys).
In her master’s thesis, Sophia investigated differences in school-to-work transitions of adolescents with and without an immigrant background in Germany, applying sequence and regression analyses. Her main research interests revolve around social stratification, educational inequality, as well as gender and family sociology.