
SMiP IOPS Conference Summer 2021
The joint SMiP IOPS Conference 2021 is scheduled for 08th and 09th July, 2021. SMiP and IOPS PhD Candidates will present their current work and SMiP's Mercator Fellow Jeffrey N. Rouder will give a keynote talk on “Model specification in everyday, run-of-the-mill statistical testing: Why it is an ...
Icon Blatt Papier und rechts davon ein Haken in einem Kreis
Fabiola Reiber submitted her thesis.
Fabiola Reiber is the 7th SMiP PhD Candidate to hand in her dissertation. The cumulative thesis is titled “Enhancing the Applicability of Randomized Response Techniques” and was submitted on 26 May 2021 at the University of Tübingen. Congratulations, Fabiola, and good luck for the upcoming ...
Michael von Krause successfully completed his dissertation project.
Michael von Krause successfully completed his dissertation project.
Icon Ausrufezeichen in einem Dreieck
The SMiP IOPS Conference 2021 will take place on 8 – 9 July 2021 – in a digital environment.
The SMiP IOPS Conference 2021 will take place on 8 – 9 July 2021 (postponed from 24 – 25 June) . Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will hold the conference in a digital environment. More information will be available soon.
Icon Blatt Papier und rechts davon ein Haken in einem Kreis
Stefan Radev handed in his dissertation.
Stefan Radev is the 6th SMiP PhD Candidate to hand in his dissertation. The cumulative thesis is titled “Deep learning architectures for amortized Bayesian inference in cognitive modeling” and was submitted on 15 March 2021 at the University of Heidelberg. Congratulations, Stefan, and good luck for ...
Icon Megafon
Special events in March 2021: February of failures continued and self-regulation workshop.
The SMiP equal opportunities committee happily announces that  the next meeting of the event series “February of failures” will take place on 23 March 2021 (12:30 – 13:30), with Mandy Hütter and Edgar Erdfelder sharing their experiences and discussing „normal“ setbacks in academic careers, and  ...
Icon Brief. Im Brief steckt ein Blatt, auf dem ein Ausrufezeichen abgebildet ist.
Call for applications PhD program 2021
The RTG SMiP calls for applications for its PhD program starting in October 2021.
Icon Blatt Papier und rechts davon ein Haken in einem Kreis
Michael von Krause handed in his dissertation.
Michael von Krause is the 5th SMiP PhD Candidate to hand in his dissertation. The cumulative thesis is titled “Using the diffusion model to study individual differences” and was submitted on 25 February 2021 at the University of Heidelberg. Congratulations, Mischa, and good luck for the disputation ...
Program for Spring Summer Semester 2021 available online
The program for the Spring Summer Semester 2021 available online. Registrations are open until 28 February 2021.
Icon Doktorhut
Anne Voormann successfully completed her dissertation project.
Anne Voormann is the fourth PhD Candidate of the Research Training Group SMiP who successfully completed her dissertation project. Her dissertation thesis is titled “Evaluating processes involved in recognition decisions using different model comparison techniques” and the disputation took place on ...