
Merry Chrismas
The Research Training Group Statistical Modeling in Psychology wishes a merry Christmas! We had a great year 2019 and are very much looking forward to 2020. In 2020, we will host our first international SMiP-IOPS conference at the University of Mannheim (17 – 19 June 2020) and welcome ...
Fall/winter retreat 2019
On November 29 and 30 the fall / winter retreat 2019 took place at the University of Heidelberg. We had a great time with interesting talks and inspiring meetings. Also, we welcomed our newest cohort within the Research Training Group SMiP who started in October 2019.
Workshop NHST reloaded: Recent developments
The Workshop NHST reloaded: Recent developments instructed by Rolf Ulrich and Jeff Miller on 08. and 09.11.2019 in Tübingen was a success. A lot of the senior PhD Candidates attended and enjoyed this course.
Invitations to talks
The RTG SMiP announces the following invitation to the talk of Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Miller (Department of Psychology, University of Otago, New Zealand) on “The replication ‘crisis’ in psychology, medicine, etc.: What should be done?” Date and Time: Monday, November 25, 2019, 15:30 – 17:00 o'clock in ...
Call for applications
The DFG Research Training Group “Statistical Modeling in Psychology” (SMiP) offers  1 Post Doc Position (100% TV-L E13) from January 2020 (or starting as soon as possible thereafter) until March 2022. Pending on the funding of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the position can be extended for ...
SMiP fall winter semester 2019/2020 started
First, we would like to welcome our newest cohort of PhD Candidates: Ruben Laukenmann, Maren Mayer, Nils Petras, Marcel Schreiner, Annika Stump, Marie Wieschen and Constantin Meyer-Grant. And during the semester, we will again welcome some highly valued external guests:    Jeffrey Miller, who ...
Daniel Heck starts as Professor of Psychological Methods at the Philipps-Universität Marburg
Congratulations: SMiP post doc Daniel Heck will start his new position as Professor of Psychological Methods at the Philipps-Universität Marburg in October 2019! The post doc position at our Research Training Group will thus be open for applications soon.
SMiP offers a Post doc position/ course program online
Call for Applications: The RTG SMiP offers a Post doc position (TVL E13, 100%) starting in October 2019. For more information see Jobs. The course program for fall / winter is now available online.
8th ADok Workshop
The Research Training Group SMiP supports the 8th ADok Workshop ( at the University of Mannheim. The A-Dok is an annual workshop/conference for doctoral students in cognitive and experimental psychology. Each year, the A-Dok is organized by doctoral students of ...
Visit from Jeff Rouder
Our Mercator Fellow Jeff Rouder will visit us from June 11 to July 12, 2019. He will offer a 1-day course on “Transparent Open Science”. Moreover, he will visit the different SMiP locations and offer individual consultations for our PhD candidates. We're very much looking forward to welcoming you ...