Four DWS papers accepted for EMNLP 2020!
Four papers by DWS members have been accepted for EMNLP 2020, a top-tier conference in natural ...
Papers of the Chair of Process Analytics at the BPM Conference
Members of the Chair of Process Analytics, the newest addition to the DWS Group, will have several ...
Paper accepted in PVLDB 2020: Dynamic Parameter Allocation in Parameter Servers
The paper “Dynamic Parameter Allocation in Parameter Servers” by Alexander Renz-Wieland, Rainer ...
Paper accepted for DI2KG
The paper “Intermediate Training of BERT for Product Matching” by Ralph Peeters, Christian Bizer and ...
Paper accepted for CIKM
The paper “Profiling Entity Matching Benchmark Tasks” by Anna Primpeli and Christian Bizer has been ...
Yaser Oulabi has successfully defended his PhD thesis
Yaser Oulabi has successfully defended his PhD thesis on „Augmenting Cross-Domain Knowledge Bases ...
Two Contributions to the ECML/PKDD PhD Forum
Christian Schreckenberger and Sascha Marton will present their PhD Topics at the PhD Forum of ECML / ...
Team from Uni Mannheim among Top 10 in Data Mining Competition
The Data Mining Cup is an annual data mining competition for student teams from all over the world. ...
Two New Projects on Social Impacts of AI Started
As part of a new research program for the common good-oriented handling of artificial intelligence ...
Paper Accepted at International Journal of Production Economics
The paper Intraday Shelf Replenishment Decision Support for perishable Goods by Jakob Huber and ...