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Prof. Dr. Christian Bizer
Prof. Dr. Rainer Gemulla
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Margret Keuper
Prof. Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Prof. Dr. Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Prof. Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer
Dr. Sven Hertling
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
Daniel Ruffinelli
Dr. Ines Rehbein
Dr. Christian Meilicke
Rita Torres de Sousa
PhD Students
Aaron Steiner
Shashank Agnihotri
Katharina Prasse
Keyvan Amiri Elyasi
Darshit Pandya
Alexander Bubak
Patrick Betz
Alexander Brinkmann
Lea Cohausz
Andreea Iana
Jakob Kappenberger
Christopher Klamm
Julie Naegelen
Keti Korini
Franz Krause
Steffen Jung
Alexander Kraus
Ricarda Link
Ralph Peeters
Ines Reinig
Sotaro Takeshita
Simon Forbat
Julia Gastinger
Affiliated PhD Students
Patrick Müller
Dr. Federico Nanni
Dr. Melisachew Wudage Chekol
Dr. Ioana Hulpus
Samuel Broscheit
Dr. Chia-Chien Hung
Dr. Robert Litschko
Adrian Rebmann
Dr. Michael Schlechtinger
Fabian David Schmidt
Dr. Adrian Kochsiek
Dr. Nicolas Heist
Prof. Dr. Paul Swoboda
Dr. Pedro Ortiz Suarez
Dr. Sarah Alturki
Dr. Jovita Lukasik
Dr. Amirhossein Kardoost
Kiril Gashteovski
Prof. Dr. Goran Glavaš
Dr. Anna Primpeli
Dr. Anne Lauscher
Dr. Taha Alhersh
Dr. Jakob Huber
Dr. Jonathan Kobbe
Dr. Timo Sztyler
Dr. Dmitry Ustalov
Dr. Oliver Lehmberg
Dr. Yaser Oulabi
Alexander Diete
Dr. Kilian Theil
Focus Groups
Web-based Systems (Prof. Bizer)
Data Analytics (Prof. Gemulla)
Web Data Mining (Prof. Paulheim)
Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (Prof. Ponzetto)
Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Stuckenschmidt)
Master Thesis Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Process Analytics (Prof. Van der Aa)
Computer Vision & Machine Learning (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Margret Keuper)
Machine Learning
Context Matters
Current Projects
Completed Projects
Large Computations
Lecture Videos
Thesis Guidelines
Course Details
Courses for Master Candidates
IE 500 Data Mining
IE 560 Decision Support
DS 203: Responsible AI
IE 650 Knowledge Graphs
IE 661 Text Analytics
IE 663 Information Retrieval and Web Search
IE 670 Web Data Integration
IE 671 Web Mining
IE 675b Machine Learning
IE 678 Deep Learning
IE 686 Large Language Models and Agents
IE 695 Reinforcement Learning
IE 696 Advanced Methods in Text Analytics
IE 689 Relational Learning
IE 692 Advanced Process Mining
IE 694 Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence
CS 460 Databases for Data Scientists
CS 560 Large-Scale Data Management
CS 646 Higher Level Computer Vision
CS 647 Image Processing
CS 704 Artificial Intelligence Seminar
CS 704 Social Simulation Seminar
CS 704 Traffic Forecasting with Neural Networks Seminar
CS 707: Seminar “Machine Learning and Time” (FSS 20
CS 709 Text Analytics Seminar
CS 710 Seminar on Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models
CS 715: Seminar on Solving Complex Tasks using Large Language Models
CS 717: Seminar on AI Safety & Robustness
CS 718 AI and Data Science in Fiction and Society
CS 719 Process Analysis Seminar
Team Projects
Data Analytics Team Project – Your Project, Your Team
Course Archive
HWS 2024
FSS 2024
HWS 2023
FSS 2023
HWS 2022
FSS 2022
HWS 2021
SM 445/
CS 707 Data and Web Science Seminar
FSS 2021
HWS 2020
FSS 2020
HWS 2019
HWS 2018
FSS 2018
FSS 2019
Courses for Bachelor Candidates
CS 303 Praktische Informatik II
SM 445 Data and Web Science Seminar
SM 451 Seminar Ethical AI
Wirtschaftsinformatik II
Einführung in Data Science
Künstliche Intelligenz
Wirtschaftsinformatik für WiPäds
Wirtschaftsinformatik für BaKuWis
KI Seminar
Course Archive
FSS 2024
HWS 2023
FSS 2023
HWS 2022
FSS 2022
HWS 2021
FSS 2021
HWS 2020
FSS 2020
HWS 2019
FSS 2019
HWS 2018
FSS 2018
HWS 2017
Courses for PhD Candidates
Colloquium FSS2023
Computational Text Analysis
University of Mannheim
Data and Web Science Group
DWS Area: Artificial Intelligence
Paper Accepted at IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
The paper “Real-Time Smart Charging Based on Precomputed Schedules” by Oliver Frendo, Nadine Gärtner and Heiner Stuckenschmidt has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Impact Factor 7.364)
AI group celebrates the 100th supervised Master thesis
VW Foundation support for project on societal impact of AI
The Volkswagen founation provides seed funding to prepare a proposal on desolidarization effects of Smart City Applications. The corresponding consortium is led by Prof. Kai Eckert from Stuttgart Media University. From the Mannheim side the Chair of Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Stuckenschmidt) ...
Graeme Hirst is Visiting Professor at the DWS Group
Prof. Graeme Hirst from the University of Toronto is visiting the DWS Group during March. Graeme is well known for his work on natural language processing. He will work with PhD students from the AI and the NLP Area on advanced methods for argumentation analysis in natural language texts. For more ...
New Champion of the “Bohnenspiel WM”
In the 2018 edition of the annual Bohnenspiel WM a new champion emerged! As integral part of the AI bachelor lecture, every year the students have the chance to participate in small groups in a tournament called the Bohnen-WM. For this tournament the students have to design and implement an AI that ...
Paper accepted at COLING 2018
The position paper “Automatic Assessment of Conceptual Text Complexity Using Knowledge Graphs” by Sanja Štajner and Ioana Hulpus has been accepted at the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018), the premier international conference on Computational Linguistics.
Data Science Conference LWDA 2018 in Mannheim
The Data and Web Science Group is hosting the Data Science Conference LWDA 2018 in Mannheim on August 22–24, 2018. LWDA, which expands to „Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen“ („Learning, Knowledge, Data, Analytics“), covers recent research in areas such as knowledge discovery, machine learning & data ...
Credit: Anna Logue
Roche Hypo University Challenge won by DWS-AI
We are happy to announce that Jakob Huber and Timo Sztyler reached the 1st place in the Hypo University Challenge that was hosted by Roche Diabetes Care GmbH and powered by IBM.
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