Text Analytics Seminar (HWS 2018: Ethics in NLP)

This semester we will look at ethical challenges in Natural Language Processing.


  • This seminar is organized by Anne Lauscher, Federico Nanni and Simone Paolo Ponzetto.
  • The course is restricted to 12 participants.
  • Available for master students


The seminar will take place in C1.01, dates TBA.


In this seminar, you will have to meet the following requirements:

  • Read, understand, and explore scientific literature related to one of the topics that can be found below
  • Learn how your topic is reflected by media and society
  • Discuss and debate with the other participants
  • Summarize your topic in a concise report
  • Give a presentation on your topic focusing on two scientific publications (25 minutes presentation + 20 minutes questions and discussion)


  • Successful completion of IE 661 “Text Analytics” or IE 663 “Web Search and Information Retrieval”.
  • Interest in discussing the topic with your fellow students

Topics + Literature

The seminar will touch on the following topics. Please use the literature below as a starting point and also check out the proceedings of the Workshop on Ethics in NLP (e.g., 2017).*

* The literature is mostly taken from http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/2017_575/.